Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox
Dark Lord is on my list to try. I really want to make it to DLD next year and get a few bottles.
It seems like the list of beers that age well is very small. The usual suspects, Dark Lord, Westvleteren, and Chimay  I know there are more, but they are not your everyday type of beer. I think if I can get my hands on one, I will age a 1.5L bottle of Chimay Blue for the heck of it. See what happens.
I don't think the list of beers is small just spread out regionally. An example would be the limited RIS from breweries. Also a lot more breweries are making beers that do age. GI has the Bourbon County line as well as all of their Belgium line. Right now I got a couple bottles of Chimay Red 08, 09 and 10. Looking forward to trying them down the road.