Originally Posted by Jbailey
From what I've read the Belgium's age well and for a long time. Also heavy stouts with high ABV's tend to age well. I got some Founders Backwoods Bastard from last year that I want to compare to the new batch. I also tasted GI Bourbon County Stouts from 08, 09, 10. The 08 GIBCS was great!
As far as aged beer some of the best I've had was a 5 year vertical of Three Floyds Dark Lord. It's a mixed bag because everyone had a favorite year. I personally thought that 4 years (2007) is great for Dark Lord and at 5 years (2006) it hadn't peeked but wasn't as good the 2007. Everyone's tastes are different.
As far as beer aging I'm still new. Getting 2-3 year verticals on some beers.

on all counts. Barley wines tend to age well as well. Supposedly SN Bigfoot is still getting better after more than 10 years. I intend on finding out.