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Old 11-10-2010, 06:24 PM   #13
Black Ops-SOB
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Default Re: The Edmund Fitzgerald

Originally Posted by 68TriShield View Post
She was a record breaker of speed and tonnage hauled.
She was a Great vessel to see go by. I was able to see her in person several times and see her on the maiden voyage. this weekend Kat and I went up to Port Huron and we saw several freighters go by the Junction Buoy restaurant . Each freighter has it's own lines and grace as they go by on the river. Ranging between 500 and 1000 feet you can't imagine that a ship as big and wide as a city block could get into trouble until you have seen the violent 30-40 foot seas the lake can produce in a matter of hours. Nothing but respect for anyone that earn a living out on the water any were. I have attended the service at Mariners Church were they ring the bell 29 times for each sailor lost and it always brings a tear to my eye.
"Sail Fast, Shoot Straight, Fish Hard and Save Time For The Important Things In Life"
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