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Old 11-10-2010, 03:14 AM   #2
Habanos Apologist
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Default Re: Another decent (IMHO) show canceled: Caprica

I can't say I ever saw this show, so I'm not takling about it in particular, but
what I have to say certainly applies to pre-maturely cancelled shows that I've
liked in the past. The fact is, the big networks rely on the ratings of the
masses and don't care about true quality and intelligently programmed
material because frankly, it doesn't sell.
There was an interesting program on NPR today about the rise of niche
market oriented cable and premium channel television today. That is where
the brains and the quality go these days, and many quality shows are coming
out as a result of the more highly focuses channels. It's a shame that
television producers don't hold themselves to higher standards, because TV
at its best can be as good, if not even better, than film when it is done right.
I think HBO is still at the pinnacle of Television as Art. But sometimes good
shows get pitched to and bought by the wrong networks, or placed at the
wrong time slot and they get cancelled as a result. It sucks for the die-hard
fans, but in the end, that's the business. It takes 4-10 million dollars to
make an average episode, so you can't expect the business oriented
executives to make good television for television's sake at that price tag.
"Eventually, however, every ash must drop. And the drop usually is as sudden as it is final."
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