Originally Posted by shilala
I'd probably side with the faulty memory hypothesis. 
Todd, did you ever see those "Jesus is my co-pilot" bumper stickers? I bet you think they're really swell. 
I was in the Wal-Mart parking lot and walking toward the door when someone got out of a car that had that bumper sticker on it. I asked, "So, are you a Christian?" They said, "Yeah, see the bumper sticker?"
"Yeah," I said, "the bumper sticker is why I asked."
He looked at me funny, and I said, "Real Christians only have Jesus in the pilot seat, those who trust in themselves let Jesus along for the ride as co-pilot. And those who trust in themselves, even when they have Jesus along for the ride, are going to end up in a heap of trouble."
Ah, but what do I know.
Everybody's entitled to their own opinion.