Originally Posted by md4958
If its a matter of a few dollars, I think most vendors would rather eat that rather than lose the sale and a customer. But from what youre telling us the price was 1/10th of the price of a regular box. Multiply that by 10 original boxes, and another 15 you attempted to order and thats a LOT of money they are out.
What is the threshold, I dunno... but if I see a box thats more than 40% off, I have to question if Im really gonna get the cigars at that price.
Now, if the price online was incorrect you SHOULD expect the choice of having your money fully refunded, or getting the order at the correct value. I dont think its right that they shipped you boxes before you had an opportunity to make that decision. If they gave you 4 boxes at the 1/10 rate each, consider yourself lucky.
I'm pretty much where you are on this. But, maybe I should have stated my theoretical differently. Let's try this:
Suppose you order two boxes at what you think is a reasonable price. The vendor sends you one and says that's all you get because they really meant to price them at twice what you paid. Anybody happy with that arrangement? (besides the vendor, I mean)
It hasn't been clearly resolved yet, and I am not getting any immediate response from the vendor on my email reply (and only a machine on the phone line). However, the vendor's first email sure sounded like they don't plan on taking any responsibility for the pricing mistake or for sending out a partial booked at that price. They asked if I wanted all 20 boxes at their regular price (they mistakenly thought it was two orders of 10, rather than a 10 and a 15). Seems like if they were going to acknowledge that those already sent were their mistake to eat they'd have asked if I wanted the
remaining boxes at the regular price or not.