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Old 11-08-2010, 10:58 AM   #6
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Default Re: If it's too good to be true...

Originally Posted by E.J. View Post
If you mean that there is a $15 shipping charge for any order....and you were charged $15. On the flip side, if you mean that there is a flat rate $5 charge for each box ordered, then yes, you should only be charged for what was shipped.

not exactly sure how to read the shipping charges...
Their shipping charge is a flat $36 per order, no matter how many, or how few boxes are included.

The thing is, I bought 10 boxes on that 1st order, and was taking into consideration how the shipping charge would effect the final price. Remember, these are boxes of 10. The order, as placed, carried a net shipping cost of 36¢ per cigar on 100 cigars. They chose to ship only 40 cigars which makes it 90¢ each for shipping.

Originally Posted by E.J. View Post
P.S. In the end, people make mistakes.... I would like to think that I would just ask how they would like to handle the situation. Taking advantage of others mistakes, without their concession, builds bad karma.
You may be right about just asking how they want to handle it. However, the tone of their email was combative, as if the mistake were on my part.

I'm not complaining about them canceling the remainder of unshipped cigars... and I would not have complained if they'd canceled the whole thing to start with. But, since they shipped a partial, I'm left exposed to the possibility of something happening here that I did not contract for... i.e. either higher shipping per stick than I bargained for, or worse yet, ending up with 40 cigars for what I spent expecting 250.