Originally Posted by pennjones
You quoted my post, Jernigans is in Mt. Lebanon. I've been to Allegheny smokeworks plenty of times, and it is definitly the best one around, unless they've opened new ones in the last 3 years, and even if so, I doubt they would beat ASW. There is another place downtown and I think it's called Smoking Joes or Smokey Joes or something. It's around market square if I remember correctly.
I go up 28 to get home from Washington. I had no idea where it's at. I hit it up on google maps, and it's right by Waterworks Mall that has a Five Brothers.
I could get a burger and some smokes and make a vacation out of it.

I'm not sure if there's any other ASW's. I always thought it was near New Castle. I was under the impression that they were a regional distributor.
I could be all confused, I'll have to ask Scott (sofaman) about it later.
At any rate, ASW isn't far from downtown at all, and it looks perfect.