Originally Posted by Bill86
I haven't seen ANY bourbon that wasn't from Kentucky, I'm still 99.9% sure no matter what Wikipedia says (really it's not a reliable source, anyone can post in that $hit) that all bourbon MUST have spent at least 2 years in Kentucky. It may say made in "somewhere else" but it must spend at least a few years in the state of Kentucky. Then and again that's just what I've read and learned.
Well this time the you should have gone with the .1% The article that Wiki referenced was straight from the Government website that had the law listed. Bourbon is defined by law not by opinion.
Originally Posted by JohnnyFlake
I cannot find anything that supports this 100%, but I have to agree that if it's call a Bourbon, it had to be produce in Bourbon, County KY. Everything else, in that category, is either a Rye, Whiskey or Mash. 
Whiskey can be made anywhere but bourbon can only come from the US (not just Kentucky). Jim Beam is located in Bullitt County, KY and I don't think we have to argue that Beam, Bookers, Knob Creek etc. are bourbons.
Stanahan's Colorado Whiskey was very tasty. Reminded me more of a Scotch than a bourbon but it was good. But I do agree that for the price I am going to choice something else almost every time. The head dude there is the guy who started Flying Dog Brewery as well.