Originally Posted by Bill86
I haven't seen ANY bourbon that wasn't from Kentucky, I'm still 99.9% sure no matter what Wikipedia says (really it's not a reliable source, anyone can post in that $hit) that all bourbon MUST have spent at least 2 years in Kentucky. It may say made in "somewhere else" but it must spend at least a few years in the state of Kentucky. Then and again that's just what I've read and learned.
The Wiki does have good references sometimes.
Originally Posted by Swany
I thought that burbons were made in Kentucky and whiskey in Tennessee but the smokin hot chic in the Jack Daniels trailer told me I was wrong. I think it has something to do with charring the inside of the barrel. It was a few years ago and I was drunk but I think that was it.
Jack Daniels charcoal filters their whiskey, and they don't want to be classified as bourbon anyway, so that is why theirs is called TN Whiskey. I believe (although don't have any references) they use a "bourbon" mash, as in over 51% corn. Whiskey can be made anywhere.
Originally Posted by JohnnyFlake
I cannot find anything that supports this 100%, but I have to agree that if it's call a Bourbon, it had to be produce in Bourbon, County KY. Everything else, in that category, is either a Rye, Whiskey or Mash. 
Probably because it is not true. There are no distilleries in Bourbon County
Originally Posted by Parshooter
From my understanding, if it's made in Kentucky and is at least 51% corn, it can be called bourbon. Anything else is just whiskey.
See first link:
These are the cliffs from the StraighBourbon page about the origin:
"When American pioneers pushed west of the Allegheny Mountains following the Revolution, the first counties they founded covered vast regions. One of these original, huge counties was Bourbon, established in 1785 and named after the French royal family. While this vast county was being carved into many smaller ones, early in the 19th century, many people continued to call the region 'Old Bourbon.'
"Located within 'Old Bourbon' was the principal Ohio River port from which whiskey and other products were shipped to market. 'Old Bourbon' was stenciled on the barrels to indicate their port of origin. 'Old Bourbon' whiskey was different because it was the first corn whiskey most people had ever tasted, and they liked it. In time, 'bourbon' became the name for any corn-based whiskey."
Hope that helps