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Old 11-01-2010, 10:41 AM   #28
Back in the woodshop!
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Default Re: What Terrifies the Ever-Loving BAJEEZUS out of you?

Spiders. Started as a kid after watching "Curse of the black widow", then my Grandmother would squish Black Widows with her palm (one tough Grandma) which really freaked me out. as a young adult I did crawl-under insulation for PG&E ZIP program in Chico, CA. We'd have to use folding shovels to dig trenches under floor joists, lay on our back and pull ourselves up to each section of floor to insulate. One time, I reached up, pulled myself to the next section and was nose to nose with a huge black widow. I pretty much freaked as I was somewhat trapped with the floor joist against my chest. My work partner was a little guy and he scrambled to me and drug me out by the leg. I quit that job that day.

Always been terrified of the bastards after that. Was bitten by a brown recluse some years later and had a horrible wound from that.

Me and spiders don't get along.
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