Originally Posted by J0eybb
I tried it, once. Not a good idea. Moisture condenses on the ourside of the pack. It pulls the humidity to the bags... not a pretty sight.
I agree.
I did the same thing by putting a few ice cubes made from DW in a dish in a humidor to lower the temp. It lowered the temp and also the RH dropped too. I figured the melted ice (DW) would help keep the RH up, but it didn't.
If you do try the ice packs, deffinately make sure they are not in contact with your cigars. But I think the same thing will happen to you that did with me. Give it a shot on a day you are home, so you can watch your RH if you do decide to try it.
We had to turn our AC back on yesturday too. But a cool front should be on its way here in the next few days.