Originally Posted by Aron
Hey guys,
Sorry it took me so long to get back to everyone. The interview went really well, and I fully expect to start working for them in a couple days. I would be working in Shady Grove and Rockville.
Right now, I'm currently sitting at the bar at Dogfish Head Alehouse in Gaithersburg if anybody wants to meet up for a smoke or two
Also, even better than my almost certainly getting the job at Davidus, I also found out that I've been cleared to start my job at the Smithsonian (my reason for moving to Maryland) on November 8!!!
Gimme a ringy/texty at 781-405-0739 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting**************781-405-0739******end_of_the_skype_highlighting. I hope to see you guys soon 
Good to hear Aron.I was in the Gaithersburg store today.My office is real close to that one.