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Old 10-27-2010, 03:42 PM   #11
Gravy Boat Winnah.
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Default Re: Omega Men Standup

Originally Posted by Zens7s View Post
I knew what he was referring to, but mostly because my college boyfriend was a football player and most of his fellow teammates were Que Dawgs. They had this very distinct way of greeting each other and would come into classes and make this motion with their arms and hoot in some way. Most of the basketball team was in the same frat. I also remember the guys had the Omega symbol branded on their arms, which I still notice sometimes while watching the NBA.
and there are the other 2 reasons can't/couldn't join...... I like to hoot completely at random and without necessary greeting in mind, and I tend to brand my self unintentionally on stuff. You should see this awesome brand I got from a grill grate once.....
Some days call for a stiff Pomade.
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