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Old 10-27-2010, 10:16 AM   #90
Suck It
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Default Re: WTF is wrong with people?

This is where I usually get into the religion argument, but that is not allowed. But you get a lot of that
from people who are so constitutionally protected that they begin to forget that I have rights, too.

But I will relate how a guy got slapped full on the face at work in Meridian Mississippi one day.
It turned to a slap because a punch would have gotten me fired, and a ***** slap seemed the way to go.

New guy walks out to the smoking area, heading for a shoot of some sort, and passes by the outcasts
and says, "hey, can I get one of those??" SO I pull out a Marlboro Light, and seeing it was my last one,
I say "Normally I would never give up my last smoke, but seeing as how you are new..." He breaks it in
half and stomps on the remains and says, "smoking is bad for you" and so I slap him right across the face, hard.
And I said "so is taking a man's last smoke during sweeps when I can't leave the station and I am working
16 hour days you FU^$ing F^@&!" I got called in to my bosses office, not because the guy complained,
but because one of the other smokers told him about it. I thought I was fired. He was too scared to relate
the story apparently. The boss suggested I not put my hands on people I worked with or I might be subject
to not just workplace discipline, but a lawsuit as well. Then he lauged his a$$ off.
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