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Old 10-26-2010, 08:16 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
Thumbs down WTF is wrong with people?

Ok, so I grab my very first Opus X ever, and start to light it, my lighter runs out of butane. No biggie, I set the garden hose on the tree, run inside and grab my matches.

Now the important part, I start to light it as I exit the house and there is a lady walking by with her kids. I proceed to walk over to the hose, pick it up, and out of no where, the lady walks up, grabs the cigar out of my mouth, and throws it in the water! She proceeded to lecture me about smoking infront of her kids and how bad smoking is, and it goes on for 20 seconds or so before the shock wears off and I give her kind words of my own.

Has anyone else dealt with someone so self righteous that they have done something like that? Or is my luck that good?