Anyone have one of these and have any feedback on them? Was thinking of grabbing one this week so I have it for when my wife gives birth in the upcoming month and just to have on hand for when the baby comes home and figuring it would be handy to have in general rather than the old school monster we already own and having to do the whole slow process of transferring from tape to digital etc etc. Would like to have the convenience of just being able to convert the file quickly for upload to Youtube or Vimeo for family to see. I also like that it is so compact that it won't be cumbersome to keep on me in general. Plus at $160 I figured if it works well, than it would be a home run. I have heard from people who had the earlier models that it didn't pick up sound well but I know it has gone through a few gens since than already and now they have the HD version which looks to be in it's 2nd gen already. There are other cams out there that are smaller that run up to $250+ but seem to be a little larger which has me keep looking back at the Flip. I just like how small it is as the problem with having a camera on you for different things is always having to lug it with you. When we would go on vacation the running joke would be to ask the person next to you to hold this for a minute referring to the video camera and once they took it you tell them they are now stuck with it until they can pawn it off.

I figured with this one I can keep it in my pocket. So I am really anxious to hear what you guys think of it and if it is worth the money or if I should suck it up and go with something larger that may be of better quiality.