Originally Posted by cigarmonkel
we already have a problem with this nation being in debt... 
ROFL yeah, the President could use the excuse for Congress like we do for our ladies: "But if we buy in bulk we save money in the long run!!"
Originally Posted by klipsch
I had more money when I was a massive pot head... 
You're doing it wrong! :P
Originally Posted by Skywalker
I wouldn't get chit done!!!
lol hey, some of my best work is done at a B&M! When I was in insurance sales, I'd sit at a B&M and make calls all day while the store was empty. Few cigars and cups of coffee was way cheaper than renting an office
Originally Posted by cigarmonkel
i feel like it would be kinda similar to the episode of futurerama (sp?) when they showed a clip of the invention of alcohol. The world was all high tech and advanced with flying cars and stuff. Then a scientist goes "Hey come try this new delicious beverage i just created!" Then it goes to a world in ruins and ashes and everythings on fire. It would probably be similar to that maybe?
Wasn't that Family Guy lol?