Just a few observations...
When I came home Friday, I started unloading the car and headed for the back door. When I got there, much to my surprise, the car remote failed to unlock the door.
Today I warmed my coffee, and lo and behold, the milk DOES NOT fit in the microwave. It appears I either need a bigger microwave or smaller milk jug.
Thursday it cost me 45 bucks to get my keys out of my locked car. First time in my life I ever did that, and I really had to go out of my way to get that done.
I did something equally stupid on Wednesday, but I can't remember what it was. Oh yeah, I bought a new sprayer for my pressure washer, put it in my saddlebag on the bike, didn't strap it down, and lost it on the way home and had to go buy another one.
I don't really have any explanation for this sort of stuff. Either I've turned into Carlos, or these pills I'm taking are melting one of my last two brain cells.
Excuse me now, I'm going to go color. If I can find my crayons.