Thread: Great Weekend
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Old 10-17-2010, 07:28 PM   #1
Not Crazy enuff to B Here
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Default Great Weekend that i am divorced I am spending more time with my sisters and their families since my previous wife and they did not get along (my sisters love my GF right now). Wednesday was my nephews b-day and since my son is about the same age I wanted to go to his party..problem is I work Sundays and I really don't have a replacement to work for me unless its an GF decides that we are gonna go to their house (2.5 hrs away) Friday after she gets off work and we will spend all day with them on Sat.

So I get the van ready...fuel treatment, tires checked water checked and realize the serpentine belt is off to get a belt and power steering fluid..$40 later its all ready. we head out friday and when we stop 45 mins away from my sisters house for dinner the van wont we get it jumped and realize the amp meter on the dash isnt showing a charge...great a bad batt or alternator..its almost 9 pm when we coast our way in.

I am pissed becasue of the van, so my brother in law cracks a cold beer and says "I got duct tape and bailing wire, its not a problem!" and after 6 beers on my behalf and who knows how many jack and coke hes had we start in on the van...found the water pump is bad..2:30 in the morn we decide we are hungry and fire up the chops, cold beer, Padillia Miami Salamone and a UC Diesel we are enjoying the mid 50's weather and bed comes about 3:30-4:00 and kids wake up at 8 am..FUN FUN!!

I picked up a re-manufactured water pump in BFE for my OLD ASS van for $14..WOO HOO..and 15 mins later we had it back on the road!! Had some of the best ribs from a lil trailer on the side of the road and enjoyed a couple LFD Chisels the rest of the day.

I don't remember when I have had so much fun in such a short time or under such depressing situations....

Watched my BiL try to smoke the wrong end of the cigar, watch my sis try to smoke her 1st cigar and laughed my ass off like I hadn't in a long time!

Between friday and today....11 hrs of sleep and 5 hrs on the road and 8 hrs at work and 2 different breakdowns I had to repair (blazer burnt up the starter before we left).

I am draggin ass but its been great!!

Hope everyone who could have a great weekend did!!

The Troll
Not Crazy enough to be here....
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