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Old 10-16-2010, 10:51 AM   #1296
Suck It
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Default Re: What's in your smoker?

This is a lesson to all of you...take two or three pics of everything, because you are not HALF
the photographer you think you are, lol. I failed to follow this maxim and you must suffer the
blurry consequences. But one advantage you get is actually seeing it on the pit. Taking a
picture inside, on foil is just crap. And of course, that's all I ever do. That's when I remember
though. But at least the closeup is in focus. This is a rack of baby backs and some trimmins'
from a few racks of spares I smoked earlier in the summer.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg ribs Oct15.jpg (88.1 KB, 920 views)
File Type: jpg ribs Oct152.jpg (94.7 KB, 947 views)
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