Thread: Chile Miners
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Old 10-15-2010, 06:28 AM   #19
Gramps 4x's
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Default Re: Chile Miners

Now that they are all out of the mine and safe.
Now that they are all getting their just deserves with tons of money making deals.
Now that one of them is trying to figure out how to get out of the mess of a mistress showing up to greet him and the wife not, and now the wife getting 50% of all his deals.
Now that we can remember this tragedy with a happy ending.

Just want to say this.........
Man I was pissed at their president.
That butt hole publicly thanked on live television, for the world to see, all of South America, country by country, naming not only by country, but also by its president.
Also thanked England.

You know who this a$$hole never thanked?
The country that designed the equipment to drill that hole.
The country that sent the experts on that equipment, to include a person stationed in Afghanistan that was flown there to monitor the drilling 24 hours a day.

Yup. Thank the whole world, including radical neighbors, who did nothing, but let's not thank the greatest country in the world.

If that doesn't piss you off.....well, you are much thicker than I can ever be.
Little known fact: I am a former member of the Village People - The Indian
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