Taking a cigar for a walk
I need help finding a good hand-rolled cigar that I can smoke in about 30 minutes without puffing my brains out. I don't smoke in my house because I have a toddler. For the last couple of weeks I've been going for walks around my neighborhood and sometimes I take a Dutch Masters President with me. Now before anyone berates me, I only bought a five-pack strictly for nostalgic purposes (they were some of the first cigars I ever smoked 16 years ago). One lasts for just about the duration of my walk. Right now my favorite cigar is a Baccarat Churchill, but I can nurse one of them for two hours. I need something smaller and quicker to enjoy on my nocturnal journeys. The Dutch Master gets the job done, but let's face it, a cheap cigar tastes like what it is. I want something good. Any help from my fellow inmates will be greatly appreciated.
He who kneels before God can stand before anyone.