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Old 10-14-2010, 07:55 AM   #19
Suck It
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Default Re: Vegan dog food?!?!?!?!

Funny thing about dogs is they are SO Monkey-see, Monkey-do when it comes to food.
Some things they could CARE LESS about until they see a human eating it.

I had a Satsuma tree in my back yard as a kid, and we would go up and pick one off the
tree and start peeling and munching away, just as sweet as honey. So one day we start to
see them on the ground, smashed and reamed out, and our dog was biting them off the
tree and busting them up and eating them. When some dogs see you eating citrus, they
get that 'left out' look, then you give them a slice and they lick it and look back at you
like, "NO, I want THAT! That thing you're eating". doofi
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