Originally Posted by bigdix
Pretty impressive, Wanger. I'm doing my first Tri this year, in early november. 1K swim, 30K bike, 5K run....we'll see how it goes. I can handle the bike and run no problem...it's that damn swim!!
A couple pointers on the swim that were given to me and what I've learned...
1. Trust your training! If you train properly for it, you will be ready for it.
2. They are usually overly cautions with safety, becuase it is VERY bad for an event is someone gets seriously injured or dies on their watch. There should be plenty of lifeguards in the water if you need help, or a place to stop and reset if you go out too hard.
3. Stay within yourself. Don't try to keep up or worry about what everyone else is doing. Focus on yourself and your own stroke. You WILL get bumped some in the water. Expect it and don't allow it to phase you.
4. Most importantly....HAVE FUN!!! My first race was an absolute blast, and is what got me hooked. The feeling of accomplishment and adrenaline rush you get when you cross that first finish line is AMAZING! Your first will not liekly be your last.

I'm already started to get going on training for a half ironman next July. I WILL do it.
GOOD LUCK!!!!! And let us know how it goes.