Originally Posted by Blueface
What also cracks me up is the failure by folks to see that ALL teams buy their wins. That is the case by virtue of the fact that NO player plays for free. They all earn a salary to play and to win.
Where did folks go wrong and lose sight that if you pay a player $1 and you win, you bought that win for $1.
If you pay $1 Million and win, it just cost you more to win.
If you are willing to pay more to win, and if you lose, you just go ahead and spend yet more to win next time, how is that so bad from the guy that still thinks he can win for $1 and is not?
Man, it is just such a great feeling to be a Yankees fan since the late 60's.
So much joy has been brought to my life for so many years.
So many years of not having to say, "NEXT YEAR".
So many years of not being upset of spending so much money to try to win again.
27 Championships
40 Pennants
Life is GOOD!!!! 
Wait a second Carlos.
So, what you're telling me is that the days of a professional athlete playing his entire career for the same team are over and it's all about money now!!!!????
I'll never get tired of being a Yankee fan and still get emotional this time of year remembering my Dad taking me from his office in Newark to see the Yankees in the 70's and watching guys like Thurman Munson taking batting practice and hoping the Son of Sam didn't get us on our way back to the car.
I miss my Dad every day but feel like he's on the couch with me every time I hear Sinatra playing and another trophy is hoisted.
Not many of the Yankees haters even know what I'm talking about due to the fact it's called a tradition of winning. I'd probably be the same if I had to watch a different team lose year after year. The Yankees could loan them a dozen rings and still have one left over for each finger of their own and a few leftovers.
I'm a bit sad that we're seeing the core guys like Posada, Mo, and even to a lesser extent Jeter, age before our eyes but know there's still plenty of money left over from George to keep "buying" enough championships for me to probable see #30 before I'm as old as Carlos is right now.