Originally Posted by BlackDog
Just sayin'....

I have a hard time believing that chart as there are so many Northern transplants in Florida, you'd find as many Yankees fans in Tampa, as you would Rays fans. I know this from sitting in the Trop with my Yankees hat.
But it's an internet poll, so it must be accurate.
They should create one showing how many people outside the twin cities believe that crap about the Yankees NOT getting into the Twins heads this year.
In any event, I'm using it as my computer wallpaper at work.
Besides, unless you are a Yankees fan, how could you NOT hate a team that has at least 4-5 times as many World Series rings as your team if you're lucky. In most cases, the numer is 8-10 times as much.
Sure they have deep pockets, but so does Boston and they're one of those teams that the Yankees have 4 rings for every one of theirs and whine about it every October from their couches.
Haters gonna hate.