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Old 10-07-2010, 06:20 PM   #35
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Default Re: How fast do you drive

Originally Posted by gvarsity View Post
I try to drive safe for the conditions. On the freeway I usually try to keep 12-14 over the limit to avoid the big >15 miles over ticket. On sides streets and whatever it just really depends.

Around here we have some weird situations of big 3-4 lane one way roads that are technically "residential" and posted at 25 mph even though they are the major traffic arteries through the city. Those I'll sometimes be in the 40-50 mph range (and have people passing me) depending on conditions.

Strangely I feel the people rigidly at or below the speed limit are more dangerous than people driving fast because they become obstacles by not keeping up with the pace of traffic. The worst is slow people cruising in passing lanes. If you ever drive somewhere like the autobahn where the rigorously enforce lane discipline you can tell that distraction and carelessness are much more dangerous than speed by itself. Of course combined is just a recipe for tragedy.

I agree. Lately I've been seeing a lot of people on my way home from work who go no more than 10 under the limit (4 lane divided highway), and always right alongside someone else in the right lane. Nobody in front of them for a good 1/4 mile or more, and a big cluster of people behind them trying to get around them. I can tell that many times these people are doing that intentionally because they tend to speed way up and block you in when you try to get around them.
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