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Old 10-07-2010, 02:30 PM   #22
I'm nuts for the place
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Default Re: How fast do you drive

Originally Posted by landhoney View Post
5-10 Over usually.....

But sometimes the Lotus makes certain demands of me...and I must comply.
I know the feeling. When on the bike I find it tough to keep it less than 20 over. The other morning I blasted away from a light and had to stop at the next light only to realize a LEO was in the lane next to me. Very surprised he didn't pull me over as I deserved to be since I got on it way to hard but sometimes she just begs me to beat on her. Lately I have been really contemplating getting rid of it because I know it's just a matter of time before I really get bagged for either speeding or wreckless and the speeding ticket I will probably get will probably fall under the wreckless category anyway.
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