Originally Posted by 357
Just tried it for the first time last month. Steve (fissure) let me try some Swedish Snus, General White/Mini-Portion Mint.
To be honest I dont' smoke very much, maybe 10 cigars/month, and I noticed the nicotine. No buzz or anything, but it definitely was there. Since I had a hard time finding it so I tried some Camel Frost. The Camel pouches were larger, rougher, were overly sweet, and lost their flavor quickly. I also didn't notice the nic much.
I just found a local shop that carries Swedish Snus and bought some more General. I like it a lot better. They dont' have a ton, just one of those micro table-top fridges with 60-80 cans, but only 4 flavors. I grabbed of the same stuff Steve gave me, but eventually I'd like to try some of the natural tobacco flavored stuff.
I've read some good info about the differences between the American and Swedish stuff. Check out the link for more info...
User Review:
Nicotine Levels:
Production Methods:
The last article is most important. The Swedes have done some serious work to minimize potential negative effects of snus.
Thanks for the great post Mike
The last point is very important when regarding Swedish Snus such as General. They made Snus so they could get people to stop smoking. I'm pretty sure I read that the Swedes have the lowest amount of smokers in the world and many have used Snus to get off smoking. So they tried to formulate it to be as natural as possible.
I tried Snus after talking to Steve(fissure) about it. Having a little pouch of tobacco in my mouth is a big turnoff, and even putting it in my top lip still makes me want to spit.