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Old 10-01-2010, 12:22 PM   #684
Suck It
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Default Re: The Bourbon Thread!!

Yep, folks love that basil hayden's. As for me drinking Old Crow would freak me out
with old time memories. I thought that stuff was for bootleggers and souses. But it
wouldn't be the biggest surprise for me this week.

That makes it tough, Justin. If Woodford is top shelf (and it generally is) then most of
the other ones I mentioned would also be prohibitive if even available. I believe the
Flake has better reccos for you in that case. I bet you find Old Forrester and maybe even
that Old Crow, lol. Or next time you come up Memphis Way, stop in at Buster's. You will
go all glassy-eyed in that joint.
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