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Old 09-29-2010, 01:28 PM   #24
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Default Re: DBall smoking blind NCs...

Originally Posted by wayner123 View Post
According to the first article:

It is only those who "have a much denser distribution of taste buds than medium and nontasters." And that amount is 25% which falls in line with all of the research and articles I have found. If you question which one you are personally, do either of the two tests that the first article recommends.

I don't want to continue to thread jack Dball's thread. If you want to discuss it more, let's start a new thread or PM. I am fascinated by the sense of taste. And to add to it, some will tell you that no matter how many tastebuds you have, if your sinuses are messed up, you won't "taste" anything.
Haha, I think we're both right, but that means that one of the articles has some inaccuracies. One states that 25% of people are supertasters and that a positive on the PTC test means that you are a supertaster, whereas the other states that 75% test positive for PTC, so either more people are supertasters than the first claims, or the PTC test is either unrelated, or only differentiates between non-tasters and "oher" tasters, lumping tasters and supertasters together.
I think I've muddled up your thread enough for now Dan, you had better hurry up and smoke another NC
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