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Old 09-29-2010, 12:19 PM   #21
Habanos Apologist
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Default Re: DBall smoking blind NCs...

I think that the two categories are similar but not completely related, the PTC taster/non-taster test is used to find out whether or not you have the particular genes that allow you to taste that chemical and other closely related ones, whereas if I understand it right, the non-taster, taster and supertaster categories of the other article refer to the concentration of tastebuds you have on your tongue and therefore how sensitive your sense of taste is to all flavors. That article breaks breaks the distribution down as 25% non-tasters, 50% tasters and 25% supertasters, so that trend basically just follows the bell curve.
"Eventually, however, every ash must drop. And the drop usually is as sudden as it is final."
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