Originally Posted by Doctorossi
Turnabout is fun play! Thank you for doing this, Dom!
Dan and Clayton, I don't know what kind of NCs you're getting "tongue-coating nastiness" out of.  This has never been an issue for me.
From another thread
Originally Posted by akumushi
The NC sourness I'm talking about is an actually sour taste that I get on my tongue. It may be a more metallic in some smokes, so it may be from some mineral in the soil, but I call it sour because it reminds me of the cloying artififcial sour taste you get from sour-apple flavored candy. The guilty NCs are most often Honduran, then to a lesser extent Dominican, and seldom Nicaraguan. Luckily I haven't experienced it in any DPG, Tatuaje or Illusione products, so those are about the only NCs I still track down and buy. These NCs I'm smoking through are left over from my first few noob purchases, and the biggest guilty parties are anything by General Cigar, most lines from Camacho, and to a lesser extent, a few of the lines by Padilla and LGC. It's purely a function of the tongue, rather than any aroma, and seems to accumulate on the tongue as you continue to smoke. Some of these cigars smell fine on the nose, but the sourness on the tongue is just too distracting to tolerate.
The topic of
tasters and supertasters comes up now and then on different boards. The short and long of it is that everyone has a different amount of tastebuds, and that some people with a much higher amount than the average, "supertasters" can pick up certain traces of bitterness or sourness that others simply can't taste. I don't know whether or not I qualify for this status or not, but I do know that I often pick up funky flavors that are unpleasant to me in cigars that a lot of people enjoy without mentioning it. Whether or not that is due to something objective like the supertaster thing, or something entirely subjective such as personal taste, is another story.
I was just happy to hear that I'm not the only one that finds that "tongue coating nastiness" as a hallmark of certain NCs. When I was a newb, I simply wrote it off as part of the cigar smoking experience and powered through it. Now that I know that a cigar doesn't have to taste like you're sucking on a quarter, I stick to my CCs and the handful of Premium NCs that don't have that aftertaste. If I get a cigar that maintains that taste for more than a minute, I pitch it and find something else. Interestingly, I have
never tasted it in a CC. I'm not saying I haven't had my share of nasty flavors in a handful of much too young or improperly stored CCs, but I've never had anything with this particular cloying aftertaste from The Island.