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Old 09-27-2010, 02:48 PM   #233
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Default Re: Offcial SEC Football Thread 2010

Originally Posted by Pass View Post
Neither would I! Frankly, we were the major obstacle for Bama this year in the SEC... and we saw how that went. If anyone is going to take them down it will likely be Auburn. Not b/c they are that good - they aren't - but b/c of the rivalry. Of course, Bama has home advantage for that game too. They'll be playing LSU at the swamp so that should help LSU a bit... but I don't think that it'll be enough.

Granted... We exposed several of the weaknesses in Bama's D and some in the offense (what few there are). So perhaps the Gators coaching staff has watched and re-watched that footage and made some adjustments. Otherwise, and don't take this the wrong way, you guys are hosed. If Bama can come to my house, with 76,000+ fans rattling their eye balls and make a comeback, I don't think too many teams out there stand a prayer in Tuscaloosa.

Of course, I won't be too horribly upset if Bama looses to any two of the remaining challenges (LSU, Auburn, Florida) and Arkansas manages to win out . Frankly, though, I just don't see that happening. This is probably one of the best damned teams that college football has seen in about a decade or so. Plenty of depth and a roster chock full of some serious talent.
Your sentiments are preciously what I hope everyone is believing (including Bama players) and telling the Gators. A team always plays better with an us against the world mentality, especially one with such talent and prestige as Florida. Your last two sentences could have been taken out of a column foretelling the outcome of the Ohio State v Florida game in '06, and look how that turned out

PS - The Gators play in the Swamp, LSU plays in Death Valley
"There is true glory and true honor: the glory of duty done, the honor of integrity and principle" - Robert E. Lee
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