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Yazzie 02-07-2009 09:08 AM

A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use
Great News Here!

Bruzee 02-07-2009 09:11 AM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use
Wow..... Cheaters!

dunng 02-07-2009 09:21 AM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use
Not surprised... :ss

MikeyC 02-07-2009 09:32 AM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use
A-fraud . . . cheating? I'd like to say I'm surprised but I've already observed him try to cheat on other occassions in other ways.

tenbaseg 02-07-2009 09:51 AM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use
Now he's truly a Yankee.

dunng 02-07-2009 09:54 AM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Scottw 02-07-2009 10:05 AM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use
Wow, that great news is only 6 years old. 2003?

bvilchez 02-07-2009 11:13 AM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by tenbaseg (Post 221364)
Now he's truly a Yankee.

Hey watch the low blow there!!!!!

I hated that man since I found out Steinbrenner was going after him. His conceited attitude has been nothing but a disruption for the team. We haven't had a TEAM in a while. All that individualism is killing them.

I'm glad that happened to him. Hope he gets a hefty fine along with it and a....let's say 1 year.....suspension.

Better yet.....make him turn in those Pinstripes!!!!!!!!!!! He doesn't deserve to be a Yankee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

chippewastud79 02-07-2009 11:19 AM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use
Sadly this really means nothing on the field. It may (may not) have a Barry Bonds-esque effect on his public perception, but he will still be starting at third base come the season opener with no repercussions. :bh

VirtualSmitty 02-07-2009 11:21 AM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by bvilchez (Post 221489)
Hey watch the low blow there!!!!!

I hated that man since I found out Steinbrenner was going after him. His conceited attitude has been nothing but a disruption for the team. We haven't had a TEAM in a while. All that individualism is killing them.

I'm glad that happened to him. Hope he gets a hefty fine along with it and a....let's say 1 year.....suspension.

Better yet.....make him turn in those Pinstripes!!!!!!!!!!! He doesn't deserve to be a Yankee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He won't. It happened in 2003, penalties weren't instituted until 2004. Dissapointed yes, surprised no. Seems like just about all the great players from that era juiced at one time or another.

chippewastud79 02-07-2009 11:26 AM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by VirtualSmitty (Post 221515)
He won't. It happened in 2003, penalties weren't instituted until 2004. Dissapointed yes, surprised no. Seems like just about all the great players from that era juiced at one time or another.

:tpd: It is fairly safe to assume at this point that more of the big name players were taking something than not. 103 players tested positive out of 5% of the major leaguers who were tested, that sounds like a pretty large percentage considering it likely translates to the rest of the league pretty well. It will likely go down as "The Steroid Era" adding an feeling of doubt that will be attached to all records set in the past 15 years or so.

MedicCook 02-07-2009 11:26 AM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use
This also happened prior to being a Yankee. Since he has been a Yankee there has been no positive tests.

I also agee that he is a distraction to the team. I have never liked him but I will root for him as long as he is a Yankee.

elderboy02 02-07-2009 11:31 AM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use
I hate cheaters. Stay classy A-Rod

chippewastud79 02-07-2009 11:41 AM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 221546)
I hate cheaters. Stay classy A-Rod

Sadly you better start hating most players in the last 10-15 years then. :hn

elderboy02 02-07-2009 11:44 AM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 (Post 221558)
Sadly you better start hating most players in the last 10-15 years then. :hn

Yep. It is sad that people have to cheat.

chippewastud79 02-07-2009 11:48 AM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 221567)
Yep. It is sad that people have to cheat.

Its hard for athletes to not want an edge when you are talking about millions of dollars up for grabs, particularly in baseball. They created the situation and now there is nothing they can do to stop the backlash. Sad thing is that it took until 2004 for MLB to catch up with the rest of sports and MLBPA knew the whole time steroids were clearly being used by their athletes and tried to avoid the penalties for as long as possible. :hm

MedicCook 02-07-2009 11:49 AM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use
A lot of these players also listen to their private trainers 'friends' a little too much and do not do the research themselves to see what is in some of these products they are taking.

Yazzie 02-07-2009 11:53 AM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by MedicCook (Post 221577)
A lot of these players also listen to their private trainers 'friends' a little too much and do not do the research themselves to see what is in some of these products they are taking.

Maybe a few but by and large that's the lame excuse some use....."I didn't know what was in it" The cream and the Clear....Cmon, as an athlete it is your responsibility and decision what does or does not go in or on your body

elderboy02 02-07-2009 11:59 AM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by Yazzie (Post 221583)
Maybe a few but by and large that's the lame excuse some use....."I didn't know what was in it" The cream and the Clear....Cmon, as an athlete it is your responsibility and decision what does or does not go in or on your body

Yep. It is a horrible excuse. "It was flaxseed oil" :bs

SeanGAR 02-07-2009 01:02 PM

Re: A-Fraud Tests Positive for Steroid Use

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 (Post 221573)
Its hard for athletes to not want an edge when you are talking about millions of dollars up for grabs, particularly in baseball. They created the situation and now there is nothing they can do to stop the backlash. Sad thing is that it took until 2004 for MLB to catch up with the rest of sports and MLBPA knew the whole time steroids were clearly being used by their athletes and tried to avoid the penalties for as long as possible. :hm

Exactly. Players know the other guys are doing it and if they don't, they may lose their edge and their jobs to the other guy's drugs. ARod was using before it was illegal. Yawn. Seriously, this is big news?

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