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JaKaacH 01-31-2009 08:02 PM

Michael Phelps likes to smoke...
But not cigars...:confused:

dunng 01-31-2009 08:04 PM

Re: Michael Phelps likes to smoke...
Our source said: “You could tell Michael had smoked before. He grabbed the bong and a lighter and knew exactly what to do." :ss

SeanGAR 01-31-2009 08:38 PM

Re: Michael Phelps likes to smoke...
He is more normal than I thought .... nice.

karmaz00 01-31-2009 11:17 PM

Re: Michael Phelps likes to smoke...
must be some superman smoke...cause that guy can swim

acarr 01-31-2009 11:22 PM

Re: Michael Phelps likes to smoke...
How do you think he won all those medals?

totallytentative 01-31-2009 11:57 PM

Re: Michael Phelps likes to smoke...
Maybe it was part of his conditioning regimen that there was a bag of Doritos waiting for him at the end of a set of laps. :D

tobii3 02-01-2009 12:06 AM

Re: Michael Phelps likes to smoke...
As long as he didn't inhale, he's still safe....

well, he could still be President...if he didn't inhale, that is.....

theonlybear4CORT 02-01-2009 01:02 AM

Re: Michael Phelps likes to smoke...
Wow I always wonder why us normal (not famous) people are shocked when famous celibates are caught doing drugs.They are just like you and me and at age 23 and who can honestly say that they haven't tried/smoked pot at that age. Life is short so live it up and have a ball.

Thrak 02-01-2009 06:35 AM

Re: Michael Phelps likes to smoke...

Originally Posted by sonic_mike (Post 207863)
Wow I always wonder why us normal (not famous) people are shocked when famous celibates are caught doing drugs.They are just like you and me and at age 23 and who can honestly say that they haven't tried/smoked pot at that age. Life is short so live it up and have a ball.

I'm 30 and have never tried/smoked pot. :p

Don Fernando 02-01-2009 06:38 AM

Re: Michael Phelps likes to smoke...

Originally Posted by Thrak (Post 207978)
I'm 30 and have never tried/smoked pot. :p

i'm 36 and i have never ...... oh wait, I have

AD720 02-01-2009 07:37 AM

Re: Michael Phelps likes to smoke...
An embarrassing picture yes. (Most likley there are some pictures floating around out there that would prohibit me from running for public office :r)

But it really proves nothing. There is no way anyone could know what was in the water pipe and even if they were illegal drugs unless the powers that be (Olympic Committee) drug test him immediately he will pass.

I really don't see any Olympic implications for him.

The Professor 02-01-2009 08:10 AM

Re: Michael Phelps likes to smoke...
Yup ... I don't think it proves a thing. A drug test would be needed and it ain't showing sh*t from a November bong hit. Plus, there's really no evidence there was anything in that "water pipe." They sell those with pouches of tobacco, right? :D

My favorite comment after the article:

The man is set for life, FOR LIFE! He will always make money unless he decides to start cooking babies & stuffing them with dead kittens.

DavenportESQ 02-01-2009 09:11 AM

Re: Michael Phelps likes to smoke...
This story is a complete fabrication, and over exaggeration. anyone who knows anything knows that this guy probably gets drug tested more times than we can imagine. I am sure as soon as any news of this happend someone was knocking at his door with a specimen cup. Even out of season. The picture doesn't even look like him to me it just looks similar. Its a hard angle and would be tough to prove its him. You see a lot of "celeb nude" pictures where its just someone who looks like the celebrity.
I have a lot of friends who met him when he was in town and they said he was a really nice and overall just seemed like a normal college kid

1.Micheal Phelps coach is a native to the Columbia SC area.

2. A good friend of his who went to h.s together played soccer here.

tobii3 02-01-2009 09:21 AM

Re: Michael Phelps likes to smoke...
It was a slow news day!!! ha ha ha

s15driftking 02-01-2009 09:37 AM

Re: Michael Phelps likes to smoke...

Originally Posted by karmaz00 (Post 207779)
must be some superman smoke...cause that guy can swim

yeah, het me some of that shiz!

haha, maybe he won all his events because there was a bag of funions at the finish line?

JaKaacH 02-01-2009 11:44 AM

Re: Michael Phelps likes to smoke...

Originally Posted by DavenportESQ (Post 208154)
This story is a complete fabrication, and over exaggeration. anyone who knows anything knows that this guy probably gets drug tested more times than we can imagine. I am sure as soon as any news of this happened someone was knocking at his door with a specimen cup. Even out of season. The picture doesn't even look like him to me it just looks similar. Its a hard angle and would be tough to prove its him. You see a lot of "celeb nude" pictures where its just someone who looks like the celebrity.
I have a lot of friends who met him when he was in town and they said he was a really nice and overall just seemed like a normal college kid

1.Micheal Phelps coach is a native to the Columbia SC area.

2. A good friend of his who went to h.s together played soccer here.

I could care less one way or the other. Just a headline that caught my eye.
He had to know though if a picture like this got out it would at the least be a controversy.

DavenportESQ 02-01-2009 09:25 PM

Re: Michael Phelps likes to smoke...

Originally Posted by JaKaacH (Post 208386)
I could care less one way or the other. Just a headline that caught my eye.
He had to know though if a picture like this got out it would at the least be a controversy.

I agree...there are a lot of athletes that do a lot worse. Sucks to see a good guy get caught up in something of that nature

ActionAndy 02-01-2009 09:37 PM

Re: Michael Phelps likes to smoke...
There's nothing more obvious than the tone of an English tabloid writer. Marijuana has been demonized to such an absurd degree, it really makes me laugh. :ss

As for Michael Phelps I've always gotten a huge D-Bag vibe from him.

elderboy02 02-02-2009 06:40 AM

Re: Michael Phelps likes to smoke...
I have lost all respect for this guy. First he gets a DUI and now he is smoking weed. Sorry, that is not the way to represent America. He is definitely not a role model.

Rockestone 02-02-2009 06:42 AM

Re: Michael Phelps likes to smoke...

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 209614)
I have lost all respect for this guy. First he gets a DUI and now he is smoking weed. Sorry, that is not the way to represent America. He is definitely not a role model.


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