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Greasy001 01-26-2009 02:38 PM

What was your Fav. and Least Fav. smoke this month
Hey yall,
I was just curious to see which stoges my fellow BOTLs were enjoying and snuffing out this month so I could get ideas for my next order. My favorite this moth was the RP Natural. It blew my socks off; I was amazed how the little stick could be so full flavored, smooth, and great and at the same time be so little. On the flip side, I finally got to try an Acid cigar and wished that I wouldn't have. I gave it a good long run and finally snuffed it out about 2/3 of the way into it. Not only did it leave a horrid taste in my mouth for hours, but the band made my old cigar box, I use for collecting bands in, smell like a stinkin pechoulli soaked hippy. I don' tknow the particular name of this cigar, but the back of the band says Drew Estate.
Happy Trails

Commander Quan 01-26-2009 03:50 PM

Re: What was your Fav. and Least Fav. smoke this m
This is a sore topic for me, my best cigar this month (there have only been about 10) was a Sancho Panza Double Maduro for a cigar that costs less than $50 a box it smoked like a dream. My least favorite was a PAM that burned unevenly and did everything in it's power to unwrap it's self.

Patron 01-26-2009 04:40 PM

Re: What was your Fav. and Least Fav. smoke this m

Originally Posted by Commander Quan (Post 193180)
This is a sore topic for me, my best cigar this month (there have only been about 10) was a Sancho Panza Double Maduro for a cigar that costs less than $50 a box it smoked like a dream. My least favorite was a PAM that burned unevenly and did everything in it's power to unwrap it's self.

Quan......what's a PAM :confused:

Rabidsquirrel 01-26-2009 04:43 PM

Re: What was your Fav. and Least Fav. smoke this m
I believe Padrón Anniversario Maduro.

sikk50 01-26-2009 04:46 PM

Re: What was your Fav. and Least Fav. smoke this m
Fav was Warped Anubis. Least favorite were all the ones I've missed out on this week because of moving followed by a current sinus infection

fuubar 01-26-2009 05:20 PM

Re: What was your Fav. and Least Fav. smoke this m
My best was a Pepin Blue delicias. I love the blues but this one was just amazing.

My most disappointing was a Tatuaje taino that had almost no taste for some reason. It just had a slight hint of the pepin spice and pepper that I was expecting nothing more for the entire smoke. It was the first tat I didn't enjoy.

renton20 01-26-2009 05:37 PM

Re: What was your Fav. and Least Fav. smoke this m
Fav was probably an 06 boli pc that I received in a trade with a very generous BOTL. On the other side, I haven't smoked any bad cigars in the past month or so. Lately I have been trying less and smoking more of what I know I like and have been very happy because of it.

RevSmoke 01-26-2009 05:41 PM

Re: What was your Fav. and Least Fav. smoke this m
Least favorite was a HdM Churchill that drew like a dowl.
My favorite this week was a Tabood HSG Torpedo.

KazzTheMurse 01-26-2009 08:45 PM

Re: What was your Fav. and Least Fav. smoke this m
Least Favorite : Santa Damiana. we got them through a close out of another store. They'd be good if you like your connecticut wrapper. I however enjoy the dark stuff.

Favorite: Gurkha G3 so far :tup :ss

Silound 01-26-2009 09:12 PM

Re: What was your Fav. and Least Fav. smoke this m
Least Fav: Davidoff Maduro Robusto. They're just too fresh still. Plenty of signature Davidoff taste, but still that overbearing wet cardboard flavor. I'm going to try dry-boxing one down to around 60% and see if keeping it at that for a few weeks doesn't improve the flavor.

Favorite: Zino Classic #6. For some reason, we got two boxes that blew me out of the water. Forever and a day, all our boxes were earthy and bitter, but the last few I'd swear had something different about them. They were creamier and sweeter than I've ever seen in a Honduran cigar before.

rizzle 01-27-2009 08:27 AM

Re: What was your Fav. and Least Fav. smoke this m
Favorite was a Partagas Short, the first one I ever had and was just a totally enjoyable experience.

Least favorite was visiting an old friend, a Gurkha Super Fuerte. I used to love that cigar and found one I had buried over the weekend. I don't know if the rest changed it or it was just a bad one, but either way it was a huge letdown.

Kreth 01-27-2009 08:49 AM

Re: What was your Fav. and Least Fav. smoke this m
Favorite so far was either a Perdomo Lot 826 Corojo, or an RP Olde World Reserve Corojo, which is funny because I prefer Maduros, in general.

Least favorite was a 5 Vegas Series 'A', but I smoked it OTT, and I'm told they're much better after resting for a few months.

Java 01-27-2009 10:36 AM

Re: What was your Fav. and Least Fav. smoke this m
Best: Cubao #5
Worst: La Aroma de Cuba Robusto

South Shield 01-27-2009 10:39 AM

Re: What was your Fav. and Least Fav. smoke this m
Least favorite: Casa Magna draw was so tight Jenna Jameson couldn't suck hard enough to get any smoke. And the smoke I did get tasted like nothing

Best Boli RC, good stuff right there

Footbag 01-27-2009 10:47 AM

Re: What was your Fav. and Least Fav. smoke this m
Favorite is either the Bolivar RE Simones or just your basic Party Short.

Least favorite was the Cohibo I figured couldn't be that bad!:pu

singlguy9 01-27-2009 11:09 AM

Re: What was your Fav. and Least Fav. smoke this m
I only smoked two kinds of cigars this month and I like em' both.

LFD Chiselitos and a El Rico Habano maddies................can't say a bad word about either one.

big a 01-27-2009 12:27 PM

Re: What was your Fav. and Least Fav. smoke this m
I had the pleasure of smoking my first Opus x this past week. It was everything i expected and more.

The cigar i was highly disappointed in was the CAO LX2. The first cigar i ever smoked was a cao gold and have love CAOs since then. This was the first CAO i truly didn't care for. For me it was just pepper followed up with more pepper.

Lucky_Hippo 01-27-2009 12:35 PM

Re: What was your Fav. and Least Fav. smoke this m
Fav of month = Ashton corona (just like the old days)

Least Fav of month = CAO Criollo (draw was way too tight to enjoy)

mmblz 01-27-2009 12:37 PM

Re: What was your Fav. and Least Fav. smoke this m

Originally Posted by Commander Quan (Post 193180)
This is a sore topic for me...

Even more sore topic for me - my favorite was nothing and my least favorite was nothing.
In fact, I don't think I've had a cigar since Dec 6th :hn

Clampdown 01-27-2009 01:06 PM

Re: What was your Fav. and Least Fav. smoke this m
The best RYJ Escudo

The worst could be any one of the three blind reviews I did on another forum. Those three cigars still haunt me every night. (They were, Punch London Club EMS 2007, La Escepcion M48 from 2004, Oliva Serie's "O" from 2006)

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