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Guitarman-S.T- 01-18-2009 08:30 PM

Airsoft Gun thread
Some back up information on the subject in case a few strays wander in here not knowing what the hell is going on ;)

"Airsoft is a modern combat sport or recreational hobby in which participants eliminate opponents by hitting each other with spherical non-metallic pellets launched from a compressed-air gun (or airsoft gun) powered by gas, manual spring-load, or an electrically powered gearbox."

Basic enough eh?

"Airsoft participants organize meetings, either indoors or outdoors, at dedicated airsoft battlefields to play a variety of games ranging from short-term skirmishes, organized scenarios, military simulations, or historical reenactments.

Combat situations on the battlefield often involve the use of common military tactics to achieve the objectives set in each game. Participants typically use varying types of weaponry designed as replicas of real firearms, tactical gear, and accessories used by modern military and police organizations."

Now im interested in who else has a passion for this sport- Pic's more then welcome

So JOIN IN BOY's!:salute:

Mustang1 01-19-2009 04:31 PM

Re: Airsoft Gun thread
Me and my business partner are kids at heart. We buy the cheaper flea market spring loaded ones and ambush each other all day at work. They sting, I can only imagine what the gas operated ones feel like.

Recently discovered Force-On-Force training. You use the gas guns to practice tactical situations, draws and things like that. It's supposed to really help find what works and doesn't work for you on the street (CHL).

I plan to take some of these courses. Who makes the good gas powered guns?

Darrell 01-19-2009 04:33 PM

Re: Airsoft Gun thread
I have a Tokyo Marui, M4-S and a Tokoyo Marui AK - both have precision spring and barrel upgrades and shoot over 400FPS. I also have a pistol, I cannot remember which one, but it's awesome.

Guitarman-S.T- 01-20-2009 12:45 PM

Re: Airsoft Gun thread

Originally Posted by Mustang1 (Post 179205)
Me and my business partner are kids at heart. We buy the cheaper flea market spring loaded ones and ambush each other all day at work. They sting, I can only imagine what the gas operated ones feel like.

Recently discovered Force-On-Force training. You use the gas guns to practice tactical situations, draws and things like that. It's supposed to really help find what works and doesn't work for you on the street (CHL).

I plan to take some of these courses. Who makes the good gas powered guns?

Gas... the only gas one i would mention is Gas pistols.
more for an automatic assault weapon for a budget, Snag a Echo 1. Awesome price- there all 100% copy's of Tokyo.M and great construction= alot cheaper.

Hell my g36 i bumped up the ROF and now its shooting about 800-900 rounds per minute. Brutal as all hell :salute:

Guitarman-S.T- 01-20-2009 12:51 PM

Re: Airsoft Gun thread

Originally Posted by Darrell (Post 179210)
I have a Tokyo Marui, M4-S and a Tokoyo Marui AK - both have precision spring and barrel upgrades and shoot over 400FPS. I also have a pistol, I cannot remember which one, but it's awesome.

any pics man?
Cant wait to see some pics on this beast-
Ill post mind and my buddies shortly

Guitarman-S.T- 05-07-2009 10:33 PM

Re: Airsoft Gun thread
Here we go guys- MY GUN Finally-

enjoy and lets see yours


And the group of the guys after hitting the field.


ucla695 05-08-2009 07:14 AM

Re: Airsoft Gun thread
Doh! Why did I open this thread? This is another thing I'm going to have to get into. That G36c is sick! :tu

BigBruce 05-08-2009 03:15 PM

Re: Airsoft Gun thread
I have a classic army m4 with a red dot and alot of other stuff. It shoots a little hot as it has the internals all upgraded. Thinking of selling it all as I never go play anymore

Guitarman-S.T- 05-08-2009 04:26 PM

Re: Airsoft Gun thread

Originally Posted by ucla695 (Post 374171)
Doh! Why did I open this thread? This is another thing I'm going to have to get into. That G36c is sick! :tu

haha thanks man, Pretty stock, will be adding a Eotech sight shortly. so far upgraded battery=Faster R.O.F and a tightbore barrel extension ( goes about half the length of the mock silencer, so it actually is in use haha)

Fun as all hell man, Try it, and if ya need assistance let me know!


Originally Posted by BigBruce (Post 374718)
I have a classic army m4 with a red dot and alot of other stuff. It shoots a little hot as it has the internals all upgraded. Thinking of selling it all as I never go play anymore

post some pics brotha. And if your thinking on selling your gear pm me some pic's or e-mail and I DEF. know a hand full of people that would be willing to toss some cash your way :tu

jquirit 05-13-2009 01:32 PM

Re: Airsoft Gun thread
1 Attachment(s)
Here's an image of some of the guys I use to roll with back in California when I use to airsoft a lot. This was taken on the Sanna Ranch set (the one used for shows like JAG, NCIS, and other shows that need a psuedo-Middle East look in California). This was for an event, Operation: Serpent Hammer, that was suppose to have been a fundraiser event for the family of Scott Helvenston (there was a lot of drama between the family and event organizers the months following).

I'm the second from the right sporting the SOTech Hellcat rig and Ranger plate carrier (with actual bullet-proof hard-plates).

I should get out all my gear and equipment out and take pics of it. Been a few years since I've looked at it.

DPD6030 05-13-2009 03:23 PM

Re: Airsoft Gun thread
I know you guys aren't stupid but an err of caution. Please don't carry these not in a case in the front seat of your car. Just ask the 17 year old kid that went to get his registration and I saw the butt of a gun. If he would have grabbed that gun I would have been calling him mom/dad to explain why Jr. got shot and killed. It ended up being an airsoft but looked exactly like my sig sauer P226.

WildBlueSooner 05-13-2009 03:43 PM

Re: Airsoft Gun thread

Originally Posted by DPD6030 (Post 381251)
I know you guys aren't stupid but an err of caution. Please don't carry these not in a case in the front seat of your car. Just ask the 17 year old kid that went to get his registration and I saw the butt of a gun. If he would have grabbed that gun I would have been calling him mom/dad to explain why Jr. got shot and killed. It ended up being an airsoft but looked exactly like my sig sauer P226.

Andrew makes a good point. I have heard several stories of people being shot over airsoft guns...and Andrew being a police officer would know! :tu

jquirit 05-13-2009 03:45 PM

Re: Airsoft Gun thread
You've hit a very good point on the head. When airsoft was a niche activity you didn't have a lot of kids and such running around with these replicas. With the explosion of popularity with airsoft there has been more and more instances of events like you have related in the evening news.

One of the activities we pushed for when airsoft was taking off was for the education for both the parents and kids on proper safety and handling of airsoft products. I'm glad to see more and more vendors pushing for more personal responsibility of the people purchasing it, especially for the parents that are purchasing it for their kids and educating them on the proper usage.

Guitarman-S.T- 05-14-2009 08:02 PM

Re: Airsoft Gun thread

Originally Posted by jquirit (Post 381272)
You've hit a very good point on the head. When airsoft was a niche activity you didn't have a lot of kids and such running around with these replicas. With the explosion of popularity with airsoft there has been more and more instances of events like you have related in the evening news.

One of the activities we pushed for when airsoft was taking off was for the education for both the parents and kids on proper safety and handling of airsoft products. I'm glad to see more and more vendors pushing for more personal responsibility of the people purchasing it, especially for the parents that are purchasing it for their kids and educating them on the proper usage.

Yes indeed guys!
The guys that i normally play with are very serious on a safety note. Barrel plug at all times when not in game, and ballistics grade eye protection. Never blatantly shoot nipple->up even if its the only should you could make, just yell the comment Kill-

Its great fun when safety is given, but with the great popularity, damn it destroys it for the people trying to do this as a hobby when people mistaken the people that put hundreds.. if not thousands of dollars in there gear= to 16 year old boy with a 10$ wal mart special driving around popping his friends in the back.

It does help that our leader is an ex marine, and we have a hand full of officers from the police force that join in-

So come on guys, lets continue the fun! glad to see some interest and thanks jq for posting that:fu

silverback 10-01-2009 09:23 PM

Re: Airsoft Gun thread
Absolutely argee for your opinion, As I know,there's several countries that draft the laws on airsoft handling policy, similiar to the real steel carriers.

And This market were not niche now and you can check with for more details

mariogolbee 10-01-2009 09:52 PM

Re: Airsoft Gun thread
My daughter's almost 8 and a few months back she wanted a NERF gun. I picked us up a couple at local thrift stores for cheap. Then I started getting more and more so her friends and their parents and my friends and their kids etc. could shoot each other. It's been fun and now we have like 30 some odd NERF guns.
While doing this I thought of the next step, airsoft. My little girl is WAY too young for that but if there are any BOTL that play locally or want to then I'm certainly down to pick up a piece (this is where it always begins!) and check it out.

DPD6030 10-01-2009 10:07 PM

Re: Airsoft Gun thread
Anyone in MI do this? Sounds like fun.

mariogolbee 10-01-2009 10:10 PM

Re: Airsoft Gun thread

Originally Posted by DPD6030 (Post 578713)
Anyone in MI do this? Sounds like fun.

Maybe I should send you a couple of NERF guns so you and your partner or the wifey can blast each other.

Guitarman-S.T- 10-02-2009 05:29 PM

Re: Airsoft Gun thread

Originally Posted by mariogolbee (Post 578723)
Maybe I should send you a couple of NERF guns so you and your partner or the wifey can blast each other.

for your Daughter 100% on the Nerf guns ;) Hell, I had a blast with them when i was younger!
For you and the elders, AIR SOFT!
I suggest go big or go home ;)

When i started i invested 80$ in a Shopko Brand Spring operated gun, Single shot, you had to pull back a pin, then fire... Friends picked up 30$+ Pistols, All broke down.

Years passed, I picked up an Echo1 G36c, Upgrade's are endless, and everyone else did the same, No more worries about parts breaking down, if they do go to a shop or order new ones and upgrade your self, Its a blast! but be warned, even with padding, clothing, it hurts like hell ;)

jquirit 10-16-2009 12:30 PM

Re: Airsoft Gun thread
This one is for Sam I am.

Recently completed project rifle as I had the parts sitting around since 2003-2005, and it's been needing to be done. Started off as a Tokyo Marui Styer AUG replica, and since then:

- Guarder SMG-length outer barrel
- Tokyo Marui SOCOM-style surpressor
- Tokyo Marui M-16 length tightbore internal barrel
- Systema M100 spring
- Systema silent piston head
- Systema oil-less bushings
- Systema ball-bearing spring guide
- Classic Army all-metal hop-up assembly
- Shimmed up the body to remove almost all rattles and squeaks

The internal barrel stops an inch short of coming out of the surpressor, which gives it a very long internal barrel because of it's bullpup configuration (almost up there with the PSG-1 internal barrel length).

Haven't tested it yet as I lost the dongle to charge the batteries (uses the mini-Tamiya connectors) and will have to get a new one. I imagine this one will be a shooter.

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