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RevSmoke 06-08-2023 04:19 PM

Cooler-dor tetris score
Last night I played a little Cooler-dor tetris and found this Taboo HSG Box on the bottom. "Hmm," I thinks to myself, "I thought I had had the last one of those, could there possibly be more?" (It is nice to get older, you forget what you have done and can arrange for your own surprises.)

I opened the box and found in there some bigger cigars I had put in there to age, including these that I had forgotten I had.

G G 06-08-2023 05:37 PM

Re: Cooler-dor tetris score
Wow, blast from the past. Haven't had one of those Taboos's in a minute.

markem 06-08-2023 05:59 PM

Re: Cooler-dor tetris score
Cooler for archeology is the best.

Smoke them in good health, Rev!

RevSmoke 06-08-2023 06:00 PM

Re: Cooler-dor tetris score

Originally Posted by G G (Post 2246553)
Wow, blast from the past. Haven't had one of those Taboos's in a minute.

Those are not Taboos, but they are old - those are some of the early original releases of Tat Monsters.
From left to right: The Wolfman (2011); The Face (2010); (not 100% sure, but don't think it is a monster); The Mummy (2012); The Drac (2009); Tat Black (not a monster)

stearns 06-09-2023 07:44 AM

Re: Cooler-dor tetris score
That white band one is a Boris, I think 2009. Heck of a find!

icehog3 06-09-2023 08:23 AM

Re: Cooler-dor tetris score
I love when that happens, Todd! :D

jledou 06-09-2023 11:06 AM

Re: Cooler-dor tetris score
Like Christmas in June!

Chainsaw13 06-09-2023 01:05 PM

Re: Cooler-dor tetris score

Originally Posted by stearns (Post 2246565)
That white band one is a Boris, I think 2009. Heck of a find!

That’s what I was thinking. Those were my favorite Tats along with the Porkchop.

Weelok 06-09-2023 02:54 PM

Re: Cooler-dor tetris score
Oh yeah!!!!! Forgotten treasures!!!!

G G 06-09-2023 06:36 PM

Re: Cooler-dor tetris score

Originally Posted by RevSmoke (Post 2246555)
Those are not Taboos, but they are old - those are some of the early original releases of Tat Monsters.
From left to right: The Wolfman (2011); The Face (2010); (not 100% sure, but don't think it is a monster); The Mummy (2012); The Drac (2009); Tat Black (not a monster)

Yessir Rev, I guess I referring to the box of HSG's at the bottom. And after re-reading I realized it was just the box with these in it. Man I remember how it seemed we all went nuts over those back in the day.

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