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thirteenthghost 02-28-2023 08:59 PM

French revolution cigar guillotine for sale.
Hello, I have a one of a kind 1/9th scale replica of a French revolution guillotine cigar cutter that I am not able to take with me when I move. Below is a description and link if anyone is interested.

this one of a kind handmade reproduction of an 18th century French revolution Guillotine. It is entirely made of Oak, aluminum, leather and brass with a 1065 high carbon steel blade. It stands 21" tall and 17" long. The basket is hand weaved from straw and removable. The plank for the prisoner(cigar) to lie on is likewise moveable with leather straps and brass buckles. The head stock may be raised and held in place with the moveable hand stop and the handmade crank will raise the blade mechanism until it is triggered and automatically drops with a very heavy thud. Please note. This is a functional, sharpened guillotine mechanism made for cutting cigars and is therefore potentially dangerous. No fingers should be anywhere near the mechanism when it drops and it is not recommended for houses with small children. This is a sharp and heavy blade though it will likely need to be sharpened up a bit prior to use. The topmost cross beam comes off for removal of the blade mechanism and routine cleaning/oiling. This is a one of a kind piece and the only one in the world available as far as I know. It was made by myself after many years of looking for an authentic, functional replica. I am loathe to part with it but I am moving and simply don't have the room anymore. It is priced high due to the materials and superior quality of the build. I have been a Hollywood props maker for over 25 years. This is no toy but a functional representation of a historical piece. It will need to be treated with the same respect given to a sword or knife. It is ideal for the cigar smoker who is perhaps a bit eccentric. The Gomez Addams type. Please feel free to reach out with any questions.

T.G 03-01-2023 01:13 AM

Re: French revolution cigar guillotine for sale.
Great first post.

elderboy02 03-01-2023 07:05 AM

Re: French revolution cigar guillotine for sale.
Can you use it to circumcise people? Asking for a friend...

Brlesq 03-01-2023 07:44 AM

Re: French revolution cigar guillotine for sale.
Great description and proper disclaimers. Didn't know that guillotine cigar cutter were a thing, but there seem to be a number of different retail models online. This one appears to be superior to most, but its really difficult to determine from the current photos. Suggestion: If you're looking for that kind of money, take some better photos. Its really hard to see detail with the glare and the blur, and difficult to gauge the size with big cars in the background. Take some up close shots of the craftsmanship and details as well. Good luck!

icehog3 03-01-2023 08:48 AM

Re: French revolution cigar guillotine for sale.
I'd say posting videos of the cutter working would be helpful when selling a piece of this nature. The function is as important as the form here.

Chainsaw13 03-01-2023 09:47 AM

Re: French revolution cigar guillotine for sale.
Is this Shannon Elizabeth?

Weelok 03-01-2023 12:51 PM

Re: French revolution cigar guillotine for sale.

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2243188)
I'd say posting videos of the cutter working would be helpful when selling a piece of this nature. The function is as important as the form here.

I’d like a full on cigar review starting with the cut.

My Palio will likely remain my go to but if I go midieval or decide that I want to reflect on cake and beheadings, this would be a strong contender. I think for me it would be worth the price if Tony Soprano used it to cut a finger off. Kind of Alec Baldwin style.

Is that too soon?

SSDVC 03-13-2023 01:30 PM

Re: French revolution cigar guillotine for sale.
:eek:Is it safe to have out around the grandkids ?

Axeman 03-13-2023 02:08 PM

Re: French revolution cigar guillotine for sale.

Originally Posted by SSDVC (Post 2243523)
:eek:Is it safe to have out around the grandkids ?

I would have figured out how to use it on rats when I was a kid.

bonjing 03-14-2023 11:04 AM

Re: French revolution cigar guillotine for sale.

Originally Posted by SSDVC (Post 2243523)
:eek:Is it safe to have out around the grandkids ?

How deep of a sleeper are you :r?

Dux 03-15-2023 07:59 AM

Re: French revolution cigar guillotine for sale.
Will it work with my French regional cigars? ;)

Porch Dweller 03-15-2023 08:30 AM

Re: French revolution cigar guillotine for sale.

Originally Posted by Dux (Post 2243569)
Will it work with my French regional cigars? ;)


shark 03-15-2023 09:14 AM

Re: French revolution cigar guillotine for sale.

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 2243181)
Can you use it to circumcise people? Asking for a friend...

Mohel no! :r

Chainsaw13 03-15-2023 09:25 AM

Re: French revolution cigar guillotine for sale.

Originally Posted by shark (Post 2243574)
Mohel no! :r

AdamJoshua 03-15-2023 11:47 AM

Re: French revolution cigar guillotine for sale.
Found one just like it at a garage sale for 1500 and grabbed it, knew i was getting a good deal!

icehog3 03-16-2023 08:07 AM

Re: French revolution cigar guillotine for sale.
13th Ghost hasn't been back since Day 1, perhaps he was looking for a quick nibble in the Asylum. I mean, it's actually not much more than a box of CoRos. ;)

Weelok 03-16-2023 01:28 PM

Re: French revolution cigar guillotine for sale.

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2243606)
13th Ghost hasn't been back since Day 1, perhaps he was looking for a quick nibble in the Asylum. I mean, it's actually not much more than a box of CoRos. ;)

Hah, now you have an idea there!!! If he would throw in a free box of CoRos might be some actual interest in the cutter!

icehog3 03-18-2023 07:58 AM

Re: French revolution cigar guillotine for sale.

Originally Posted by Weelok (Post 2243622)
Hah, now you have an idea there!!! If he would throw in a free box of CoRos might be some actual interest in the cutter!

CoRos would be great. If he sent a free box of Gurkhas, I'd be tempted to put them in the guillotine right in the middle. -(P

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