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hammondc 01-06-2023 07:11 AM

Empty Humidity Tubes
Is there a place I can buy empty humidity tubes/pucks? I have a bunch of beads from heartfelt. I just need some tubes. The ones I have had for years are getting brittle and the caps don't stay on anymore. Just dumped a whole tube of beads on the floor. I am sure I will be finding those for years to come.

stearns 01-06-2023 07:29 AM

Re: Empty Humidity Tubes
I switched to using the bags that brewers use for hops, they're basically long sleeves tied off on one end that you pour the beads in and tie the other end. usually about a buck a piece at any homebrew store :tu

Old Sailor 01-06-2023 07:57 AM

Re: Empty Humidity Tubes
Heartfelt still has tubes listed on their site.

Brlesq 01-06-2023 08:24 AM

Re: Empty Humidity Tubes
I've got a variety of vessels that I use for beads and KL. Old cigar coffins with a piece of nylon taped on top work great

Wharf Rat 01-06-2023 09:03 AM

Re: Empty Humidity Tubes
Recycled pantyhose work.

Brlesq 01-06-2023 09:46 AM

Re: Empty Humidity Tubes

Originally Posted by Wharf Rat (Post 2241877)
Recycled pantyhose work.

Or new ones . . . :noon

T.G 01-06-2023 11:40 AM

Re: Empty Humidity Tubes

Originally Posted by Wharf Rat (Post 2241877)
Recycled pantyhose work.

So do banana hammocks.

Just saying.

Weelok 01-06-2023 10:47 PM

Re: Empty Humidity Tubes

Originally Posted by Wharf Rat (Post 2241877)
Recycled pantyhose work.

You can get lots of used pantyhose on eBay. Just saying….

Wharf Rat 01-07-2023 12:19 PM

Re: Empty Humidity Tubes
So, I can tell some of you find my pantihose suggestion odd. Back in the USENET days, it was a common suggestion for a way to use beads. You fill a section of the legging and tie it up like a sausage. I've got a coolerdor operating with one now.

I really shouldn't have responded here. I sense no good can come from it...

T.G 01-07-2023 01:11 PM

Re: Empty Humidity Tubes

Weelok 01-07-2023 06:21 PM

Re: Empty Humidity Tubes

Originally Posted by Wharf Rat (Post 2241913)
So, I can tell some of you find my pantihose suggestion odd. Back in the USENET days, it was a common suggestion for a way to use beads. You fill a section of the legging and tie it up like a sausage. I've got a coolerdor operating with one now.

I really shouldn't have responded here. I sense no good can come from it...

Hah, actually I’ve used panty hose for my beads :) nylon is a great material.

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