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TXRebel 01-11-2022 09:04 AM

Another CBD/THC
IMO, if you want to smoke weed, smoke a joint or bowl, but stay out of the cigar business!

bruceolee 01-11-2022 09:23 AM

Re: Another CBD/THC

Originally Posted by TXRebel (Post 2228174)
IMO, if you want to smoke weed, smoke a joint or bowl, but stay out of the cigar business!

Yeah i agree. I don't want CBD/THC in my cigars. this kind of thing will only make regulation and taxes worse. This won't end well unless we push back a little on this. I'll say something if i see it in my cigar store for sure. although i doubt my cigar store would ever carry it. God bless you all!

NCRadioMan 01-11-2022 11:11 AM

Re: Another CBD/THC
I disagree. I don't know about these but the Jas Sum Kral's are pretty darn tasty!

If you can have a chit infused cigar like ACID, might as well have a good infused cigar to counter them.

bruceolee 01-11-2022 11:28 AM

Re: Another CBD/THC
I'm actually a big fan of CBD products and don't see much of a problem with THC being legalized considering alcohol is perfectly legal and kills way more people every year than THC ever has. I just don't want them in a cigar but that's just my personal preference. CBD has done wonderful things for my poor ailing mother. God bless you!

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