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bruceolee 11-15-2021 01:00 PM

Any fellow musicians in the Asylum? I've been playing guitar since 92' and have accumulated some instruments and plan to post pics as soon as i've figured out how to image host again. Just curious if any inmates also enjoy the craft? it doesn't have to be just guitars. Bassists welcome just know your place! :D j/k love you guys!

Chainsaw13 11-15-2021 01:47 PM

Re: Guitars
Trying to get back into playing. Bought an Ibanez RG series and a used Epiphone LP last year, plus a Boss Katana 50W amp. Had a setback in relearning with nerve damage in my left hand. Maybe I need to relearn as a lefty?

Remo 11-15-2021 01:54 PM

Re: Guitars
I have had an acoustic guitar for years, tried to learn and put it away, recently got it back out and have been youtubing some lessons. Calluses have built back up on my fingers.

hammondc 11-15-2021 02:35 PM

Re: Guitars
Been playing music since I was ~8. Piano to start, Saxophone/Oboe in school/college. Drums in school/college. Multiple bands in college/after college. Trying to relearn guitar now. Bought a Taylor 214 right before the covid lockdown so it has given me something to do. I play almost daily 30-60 mins. currently struggling through Barre chords.

bruceolee 11-15-2021 02:44 PM

Re: Guitars

you'll have to forgive the mess. The amp in pic #1 is a custom 68 reverb deluxe (best amp i've owned yet

The rats nest of straps in pic #2 are

amp in the background is a carving SX-100 british invasion series

the guitars are

white is a 96 Jimmie Vaughan fender strat

the blue les paul is a dreaded 2015 Les paul studio and it sounds great and plays great despite the stories

The epiphone les paul special is from 2020 inspired by gibson and the best $400 I've spent

the tele is a Baja telecaster 50's and its a boat anchor but sounds amazing

the black strat type guitar is my first ever electric and it's a US made peavy predator from 92 with a loaded rene martinez mojo tone pick guard so basically a partscaster

and last in pic #2 is a 72 fender tele and i LOVE it

the final guitar in pic #3 needs no introduction as it was a christmas gift last year and i love it so much it hurts. the SRV signature strat.

I also have a high end fender acoustic not pictured back when fender tried to make high end acoustics and failed. they still made fairly good acoustics though and it rings like a bell. So, that's what I've got plus pedals galore. I hope that entices others to post some pics.

bruceolee 11-15-2021 02:46 PM

Re: Guitars

Originally Posted by hammondc (Post 2225447)
Been playing music since I was ~8. Piano to start, Saxophone/Oboe in school/college. Drums in school/college. Multiple bands in college/after college. Trying to relearn guitar now. Bought a Taylor 214 right before the covid lockdown so it has given me something to do. I play almost daily 30-60 mins. currently struggling through Barre chords.

Sounds like you have the bug too. stick with it! a great resource for online guitar lessons is steve stine at guitar Taylors are some of the best made guitars out there today.

Porch Dweller 11-15-2021 04:38 PM

Re: Guitars
I've been playing guitar for 38 years. I'm practically tone deaf and have no innate ability at all. Everything I've learned is from sheer bullheaded stubbornness. I used to have a few more axes but I've settled on two, a PRS SE Akerfeldt and a Gibson Les Paul Studio Mahogany. For amps I use a small Peavey and a Fender. I also have a bass ukulele that my wife got me last Christmas which is a blast to play. If I remember later I'll post a photo or two.

G G 11-15-2021 06:43 PM

Re: Guitars
I am 56 years old and have been working on the guitar since I was around 12. Play a little mandolin, and for a while I played a stand up bass with friends at bluegrass jams. I have three guitars. The oldest one is a 1970s Aria that is a copy of a Gibson ES335. It was the first "real" guitar I had. My parents bought it for me in 1977 and it cost like $350 which was a lot of money to my parents back then. I purchased a 1984 Collectors Series Ovation that I still have. I bought a Fender Squire Classic Vibe Telecaster 6 or 8 years ago that I play some too.

icehog3 11-16-2021 07:07 AM

Re: Guitars
Sweet guitar stash, Jason! :tu

bruceolee 11-16-2021 10:08 AM

Re: Guitars

Originally Posted by Porch Dweller (Post 2225451)
I've been playing guitar for 38 years. I'm practically tone deaf and have no innate ability at all. Everything I've learned is from sheer bullheaded stubbornness. I used to have a few more axes but I've settled on two, a PRS SE Akerfeldt and a Gibson Les Paul Studio Mahogany. For amps I use a small Peavey and a Fender. I also have a bass ukulele that my wife got me last Christmas which is a blast to play. If I remember later I'll post a photo or two.

Since I started playing back in 92’ I really didn’t have many formal lessons. I bought a VHS copy of SRV live at El Macombo and would lock myself in my room learning play by mimicking Stevie’s playing. It wasn’t easy to say the least. I also didn’t understand what “setting up a guitar” meant either. I just thought they all came ready to play but was I ever wrong! So over the years I’ve become a fairly okay player in the model of SRV and clapton and I’ve managed to become a pretty okay amateur luthier from a lot of trial and error. I love meeting players who by sheer will and force became fairly good players and I also love guys and gals that just love to play no matter what their skill level. Musicians are a fairly laid back and encouraging group of people for the most part. Anyways, I love reading these

bruceolee 11-16-2021 10:08 AM

Re: Guitars

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2225470)
Sweet guitar stash, Jason! :tu

Thank you sir! It ain’t much but it’s mine

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