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markem 07-23-2021 08:57 AM

Cleveland Guardians

I didn't think that their record was so bad that they needed a new identity. :noon

icehog3 07-23-2021 08:59 AM

Re: Cleveland Guardians
****ing Cancel Culture. Sorry this one rubs me wrong.

jonumberone 07-23-2021 09:21 AM

Re: Cleveland Guardians

The Poet 07-23-2021 10:19 AM

Re: Cleveland Guardians
Romeo and Juliet, Act II, Scene II.


Weelok 07-23-2021 11:44 AM

Re: Cleveland Guardians
And to add insult to injury, I think “Guardians” is a terrible name for a team. I personally think something like “The Team Formally Known As Cleveland Indians” would been more appropriate and there is legal standing on that tradition.

elderboy02 07-23-2021 11:52 AM

Re: Cleveland Guardians
What a dumb name.

massphatness 07-23-2021 12:21 PM

Re: Cleveland Guardians

AdamJoshua 07-23-2021 12:43 PM

Re: Cleveland Guardians
Yet when they ask actual Native Americans they don't give two ****s and more of them see "Indians" and "Redskins" in team names more of an honor. Well Karen wins again.

Tio Gato 07-23-2021 01:39 PM

Re: Cleveland Guardians
Nauseating Excrement! :confused:

The Poet 07-23-2021 02:30 PM

Re: Cleveland Guardians
In November 1993 St. John's University announced it was changing the nickname of its athletics programs from Redmen to Red Storm. Thus is COULD be argued that recent changes in Washington and Cleveland are behind the times, and that blaming it on today's "counter culture" or "Karen" phenomena is flawed, and perhaps specious. Furthermore, if it is a valid argument to state Native Americans do not care one way or the other, it should be equally valid to argue that you should not care one way or the other also.

Again, just :2, and worth every penny.

Axeman 07-23-2021 02:59 PM

Re: Cleveland Guardians
I think it is more insulting to associate Native Americans (from which I descend) with casinos and cigarettes than with sports teams. I'm ok with Celtics and Fighting Irish and Vikings and such too. I'm descended from all those.
What is it with the propensity to be offended, or even to see offense when the supposed offended see none? This offends me!

longknocker 07-23-2021 04:21 PM

Re: Cleveland Guardians
Can't Believe It! I Guess The "Atlanta Braves" Are Next???:su

oldforge 07-24-2021 07:34 AM

Re: Cleveland Guardians
Wait until the locals figure out that "Guardians" used to be folks who guarded slaves on the slave ships....hope they wait to condemn the new name until all the new signs and other expensive refits are complete....a year would be good...


T.G 07-24-2021 08:00 AM

Re: Cleveland Guardians
Maybe my unopened copy of "Major League" on betamax will finally be worth something now.

icehog3 07-24-2021 08:58 AM

Re: Cleveland Guardians

Originally Posted by longknocker (Post 2220960)
Can't Believe It! I Guess The "Atlanta Braves" Are Next???:su

Chicago Blackhawks have already said they won't change names, and have the full support of Illinois Indian organizations.

Wharf Rat 07-24-2021 11:15 AM

Re: Cleveland Guardians

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2220980)
Chicago Blackhawks have already said they won't change names, and have the full support of Illinois Indian organizations.

Well, if the Indians were named after a heroic chief and used a handsome portrait as their logo, they might be OK. Look at it this way. If a team was called the Coons and had a caricature of a Black guy, you’d probably know it was wrong.

I went to college and lived in Cleveland for 20 years. Was big Indians fan. So, I have mixed feelings about it. I try to remember that someone whose ancestors were almost wiped out may be more sensitive about it than I am.

The Poet 07-24-2021 12:39 PM

Re: Cleveland Guardians

Originally Posted by Wharf Rat (Post 2220982)
Well, if the Indians were named after a heroic chief and used a handsome portrait as their logo, they might be OK. Look at it this way. If a team was called the Coons and had a caricature of a Black guy, you’d probably know it was wrong.

I went to college and lived in Cleveland for 20 years. Was big Indians fan. So, I have mixed feelings about it. I try to remember that someone whose ancestors were almost wiped out may be more sensitive about it than I am.

Indeed. Hey, my high school teams were, and still are, the Indians. Would I petition they change their name? No, I would not. Would I object were they to decide to do so? No, I would not. Compared to all the REAL problems we face these days, obsession with something like this is silly. And things evolve, so people should make an effort to evolve also.

icehog3 07-24-2021 02:16 PM

Re: Cleveland Guardians
Bob, you make an interesting point. :tu

Brian D. 07-24-2021 06:41 PM

Re: Cleveland Guardians
Given Cleveland's long history as a Great Lakes port city, I can't imagine why the team didn't use the name suggested by so many: The Steamers.

Porch Dweller 07-24-2021 07:51 PM

Re: Cleveland Guardians

Originally Posted by brian d. (Post 2220996)
given cleveland's long history as a great lakes port city, i can't imagine why the team didn't use the name suggested by so many: The steamers.


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