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hikari 04-19-2021 10:42 AM

Type 2 Diabetes and Cigars
Hey guys, some of you know me. It's been a while. I've been debating something the past year wanted to throw it out there and see what you guys think.

I've been a cigar smoker for I would say 20 years kids are 16 now. Mostly smoke Cubans always have some aging.

About two years ago, I was diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes. We caught it early, and everything is good. Still on some medication, but again everything is good.

With that said, I feel as though I do not taste my cigars as well as I sued to prior. I've been putting two and two together lately, and I would say it's around the same time I was diagnosed and started taking medication.

Has anyone else gone through this? I'm wondering if the medication is doing something. I'm prone to smoking the same cigars Pantages and Hoyo de Monterrey. At first, I was like, ok, maybe I'm just too used to these. I joined the Privada cigar club so that I can get some various cigars for tasting/testing. That didn't seem to do it.

What your guys take on this? I am a 46-year-old smoking only cigars for 20 years with type 2 diabetes

CigarNut 04-19-2021 10:54 AM

Re: Type 2 Diabetes and Cigars
I have the palette of a goat, so I'm not sure how good my feedback will be. I did not notice anything with the introduction of diabetes meds. Not to say that this is not the case for you -- everyone is different. Have you noticed taste differences with foods?

One other thing worth noting: as you get older your tastebuds atrophy so that could (also) be a factor. I would say that this is probably a the biggest factor for me.

Havanaaddict 04-19-2021 11:51 AM

Re: Type 2 Diabetes and Cigars
First off what kind of meds are you taking?

I am totally in a different boat than you, I am a Type 1 diabetic and have been for 30 years. But I take insulin injections and do not or every had tasting issues.

One drug known to be excreted into saliva and to cause taste disturbance is metformin. Some people who take this medication complain of a metallic taste in their mouth.

My guess is you are taking a pill or more every day that may be causing the problem. But you have to take them to keep your pancreas stimulated. You could ask your doctor if you could try a different Med and give it a few months to see if you notice a change!!!

icehog3 04-19-2021 04:18 PM

Re: Type 2 Diabetes and Cigars
I've never had to take any medication regularly. I have notice loss of taste when taking anti-biotics, but realize that's apples and oranges. Hope you can get it figured out Thomas.

EdTexas 04-20-2021 11:03 AM

Re: Type 2 Diabetes and Cigars
Been type 2 since I was like 20 and 48 now. I can only taste so,e notes om cigars like cedar, earth, leather, pepper, and chocolate. Same with whiskey. Just mainly oak and vanilla. If you are on meds, those kinda things can mess with ya or you are overanalyzing things and your mind is tricking you. You should be glad you got it taken care of. I was bad about mine and half-ass did things to control t and I have paid the tolls for doing that.

cmitch 04-20-2021 11:20 AM

Re: Type 2 Diabetes and Cigars
My 15 yo daughter is a hybrid diabetic. That means she has insulin dependence of type 1 with insulin resistance of type 2. We treat the type 2 side with metformin which she said has noticeably blunted her taste. Insulin itself will not do that. She is on the omnipod pump system so she doesn't need Lantus. The pump gives an hourly BOLUS of about 1.05 units of Novolog. If you are taking metformin, that's probably it.

Tio Gato 04-20-2021 07:15 PM

Re: Type 2 Diabetes and Cigars

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2216978)
I've never had to take any medication regularly.

Not counting those little blue pills heh?:D

T.G 04-20-2021 09:58 PM

Re: Type 2 Diabetes and Cigars

Originally Posted by Tio Gato (Post 2217056)
Not counting those little blue pills heh?:D

Taking those regularly while alone probably isn't that much fun. :2

mosesbotbol 04-21-2021 07:31 AM

Re: Type 2 Diabetes and Cigars
I saddens me to read so many members are in this situation.

icehog3 04-21-2021 08:44 AM

Re: Type 2 Diabetes and Cigars

Originally Posted by Tio Gato (Post 2217056)
Not counting those little blue pills heh?:D



Originally Posted by T.G (Post 2217058)
Taking those regularly while alone probably isn't that much fun. :2

I got A GF, ask Jeff. ;) ;s

hikari 04-21-2021 08:27 PM

Re: Type 2 Diabetes and Cigars
Thank you for all the feed back.

Yes I’m on Metformin twice a day and Ozempic injection once a week.

I really thought it was me just getting used to what I was smoking. Really thought about more into it when I went domestic for testing and didn’t notice much.

May order some other kinds of Cubans here shortly as another test.

But Yhea maybe it’s age mixed with the meds that are doing it.
I’m now wondering if I need to go heavier on the notes to see if it makes a difference .

Thanks again for the support and feedback

icehog3 04-21-2021 08:31 PM

Re: Type 2 Diabetes and Cigars
Lemme know if there's anything you're looking for for the test, Thomas.

hikari 04-21-2021 11:25 PM

Re: Type 2 Diabetes and Cigars

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2217090)
Lemme know if there's anything you're looking for for the test, Thomas.

Thanks buddy not to sure yet don’t know if I should go extremes or work my way.
Any suggestions ..

icehog3 04-22-2021 08:09 AM

Re: Type 2 Diabetes and Cigars

Originally Posted by hikari (Post 2217091)
Thanks buddy not to sure yet don’t know if I should go extremes or work my way.
Any suggestions ..

From the non-Cuban genre, I have some Caldwell Long Live the King Heaters that have a solid and distinct nut flavor, sometimes cashew or other savory nut flavors (phrasing). If you can't taste the nuts in one of these (phrasing), your taste buds definitely aren't firing on high.

hikari 04-22-2021 05:15 PM

Re: Type 2 Diabetes and Cigars

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2217102)
From the non-Cuban genre, I have some Caldwell Long Live the King Heaters that have a solid and distinct nut flavor, sometimes cashew or other savory nut flavors (phrasing). If you can't taste the nuts in one of these (phrasing), your taste buds definitely aren't firing on high.

Exactly what I'm looking for something to put it to a test.
Thanks for the suggestion.

icehog3 04-23-2021 08:17 AM

Re: Type 2 Diabetes and Cigars

Originally Posted by hikari (Post 2217133)
Exactly what I'm looking for something to put it to a test.
Thanks for the suggestion.

I can send you a couple if you like. I usually get them below MSRP on CBid.

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