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IrishBoi 09-01-2020 07:39 AM

Having an Issue Don't know how to resolve it
So Im preparing for my cigars to be here today. I finally opened my humi and removed the sponges. I mounted the butler and the 2 320 gram boveda packs in the humi. When I calibrated the butler it was a perfect 75% RH. I put about 15 cigars or so in the humi last night (all that had come in so far). At first the butler read about 82% when i first read the humidity level. I wasn't to concerned at first. Knowing I had just removed the sponges. Its been about 15 hours since I last checked it. The RH is still up to 85%? why would this be if Im using 69% rh? could it just be because there are no cigars in it for now? Any help would be amazing. I don't want to ruin the cigars that are coming in.

jledou 09-01-2020 07:48 AM

Re: Having an Issue Don't know how to resolve it
The wood right now is probably saturated so it will take a little time - maybe even 1-2 weeks to let it come back down to 69%.

Short term fix, put the cigars you have and have coming in in a plastic sealed container with one of the Boveda packs and then leave the other pack in with the humi to see how it starts to settler down. Once you calm back down to low 70% I would add everything back in and let it settle out.

longknocker 09-01-2020 07:51 AM

Re: Having an Issue Don't know how to resolve it

Originally Posted by IrishBoi (Post 2204572)
So Im preparing for my cigars to be here today. I finally opened my humi and removed the sponges. I mounted the butler and the 2 320 gram boveda packs in the humi. When I calibrated the butler it was a perfect 75% RH. I put about 15 cigars or so in the humi last night (all that had come in so far). At first the butler read about 82% when i first read the humidity level. I wasn't to concerned at first. Knowing I had just removed the sponges. Its been about 15 hours since I last checked it. The RH is still up to 85%? why would this be if Im using 69% rh? could it just be because there are no cigars in it for now? Any help would be amazing. I don't want to ruin the cigars that are coming in.

The More Cigars You Have In It, The RH Should Drop Some. Leave The Humidor Closed For 3 Days With The Boveda Packs & Cigars In It And Check Again After 3 Days. The Butler App On Your Phone Will Give You Readings Without Opening Your Humidor.:tu

longknocker 09-01-2020 07:55 AM

Re: Having an Issue Don't know how to resolve it
What Jay Says, Also. Put Your Best Cigars In A Good Airtight Tupperware Container And "1" 69% BovedaPack. Wait For Your RH In Your Humidor To Settle, Then Put Your Cigars In The Humidor. You Don't Want To Put All Your Cigars At 80% RH For A Long Time.:tu

IrishBoi 09-01-2020 08:50 AM

Re: Having an Issue Don't know how to resolve it
So I need to get plastic tubs and boveda packs? Will just any "tupperware" container work? Or are there any particular ones that work better? Guess I need to see if i can find any boveda packs near me

CigarNut 09-01-2020 09:02 AM

Re: Having an Issue Don't know how to resolve it
Tupperware is fine. Use the 2 Boveda packs you put in your humidor. Your humidor does not need them yet, and this way you don’t need to buy any more (for now).

IrishBoi 09-01-2020 09:10 AM

Re: Having an Issue Don't know how to resolve it
I found a box of 60 gram 69% RH at the local head shop. Luckily my buddy is the GM there. So Im getting the box for cost. Might as well have them just incase.

Wharf Rat 09-01-2020 09:11 AM

Re: Having an Issue Don't know how to resolve it
You just want a container that’s reasonably air tight. You could use a ziplock style bag, a big mason jar, a coffee can...

It’s gonna take quite a while (weeks) to get everything stabilized. Nothing is going to be perfect right away. Relax. Smoke a cigar. After that, it still won’t be perfect You have to understand, many of us have worked out what works with our cigars over decades. You can’t work it out over nite.

markem 09-01-2020 09:39 AM

Re: Having an Issue Don't know how to resolve it
My advice is to just chill. No need to buy any more bling. Your wood is just over-humidified, which isn't a bad thing. Remember that below about 70*, the spanish cedar will release moisture and above it will absorb. Next time, don't make the sponges quite so wet and monitor the RH a bit more closely. Yes, eventually you will have to reseason.

Just use a ziplock. Put the hygrometer in the humidor and wait for it to come down to 69 or even a bit below. Then put the sticks in. When I get in new boxes, my RH often jumps a few degrees. Periodically put the hygrometer in the zipolock and it will tell you if you need to put the Boveda packs in the bag.

If any part of the humidor is damp, use a clean, lint-free cloth to pat. This will help prevent mold.

Havanaaddict 09-01-2020 11:41 AM

Re: Having an Issue Don't know how to resolve it

Originally Posted by Wharf Rat (Post 2204589)
You just want a container that’s reasonably air tight. You could use a ziplock style bag, a big mason jar, a coffee can...

It’s gonna take quite a while (weeks) to get everything stabilized. Nothing is going to be perfect right away. Relax. Smoke a cigar. After that, it still won’t be perfect You have to understand, many of us have worked out what works with our cigars over decades. You can’t work it out over nite.

Only thing I would add is since the wood has absorbed with water. I would take out all humidification out of the humi keep an eye on it. When you see it in the 60%s remove you cigar from your container and add back in with the BovedaPack.

IrishBoi 09-01-2020 02:09 PM

Re: Having an Issue Don't know how to resolve it
Sounds good cigars came in and are in Tupperware. I’ve emptied the humi except for the butler. As long as the cigars will be ok I’m not worried about the time. Just needed to fix the issue before it became a real problem is all

IrishBoi 09-01-2020 02:09 PM

Re: Having an Issue Don't know how to resolve it
Thanks for all the help and advice

Wharf Rat 09-01-2020 02:40 PM

Re: Having an Issue Don't know how to resolve it

Originally Posted by IrishBoi (Post 2204603)
Sounds good cigars came in and are in Tupperware. I’ve emptied the humi except for the butler. As long as the cigars will be ok I’m not worried about the time. Just needed to fix the issue before it became a real problem is all

Your cigars survived a trip in a shipping container on a boat in the Caribbean. Nothing you do in your house can top that.

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