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IrishBoi 08-17-2020 01:30 PM

In the market for lighter and cutter
So the humi is marinating. It has 9 more days or so to go. In order to pass the time I figure I need to get a lighter and cutter set. Ive owned Xikar and Colibri in the past. Anyone have any suggestions? Im looking to spend about $200 for a set. I found these but dont know anything about them. Im guessing if they are teamed up with AF then they should be quality. I just dont know.

CigarNut 08-17-2020 04:00 PM

Re: In the market for lighter and cutter
I’ve bought many (too many) expensive lighters over the years; they work for awhile and then stop. I now buy inexpensive lighters and am much happier overall.

I spent good money on nice cutters — and still have them. Mostly Xikar, but others as well. I’ve also bought some nice ashtrays and these also hold up well.

My :2 is to save the money on lighters and spend it on cigars.

longknocker 08-17-2020 04:18 PM

Re: In the market for lighter and cutter

Originally Posted by CigarNut (Post 2203931)
I’ve bought many (too many) expensive lighters over the years; they work for awhile and then stop. I now buy inexpensive lighters and am much happier overall.

I spent good money on nice cutters — and still have them. Mostly Xikar, but others as well. I’ve also bought some nice ashtrays and these also hold up well.

My :2 is to save the money on lighters and spend it on cigars.

Agree With Michael!:D:tu

IrishBoi 08-17-2020 04:46 PM

Re: In the market for lighter and cutter
Well that was easy

SSDVC 08-17-2020 04:47 PM

Re: In the market for lighter and cutter
What he said !

The Poet 08-17-2020 08:08 PM

Re: In the market for lighter and cutter
Yeah, most of my best lighter have either been cheap or free bonus ones thrown into cigar purchases. Besides, lighting a two-buck stogie with an expensive flame just seems silly. :r

Gabe215 08-17-2020 08:12 PM

Re: In the market for lighter and cutter
Ronson Jetlite! Cheap and last forever!

IrishBoi 08-17-2020 08:39 PM

Re: In the market for lighter and cutter
I forgot about Ronsons I love those lighters

The Poet 08-17-2020 09:21 PM

Re: In the market for lighter and cutter

Originally Posted by Gabe215 (Post 2203937)
Ronson Jetlite! Cheap and last forever!


Originally Posted by IrishBoi (Post 2203938)
I forgot about Ronsons I love those lighters

Use 'em every day. :tu

Buckeye Jack 08-18-2020 09:23 AM

Re: In the market for lighter and cutter
I buy the ultra cheap lighters and they generally last me years of daily use. I generally go for the somewhat 90 degree cutters as they hold a ton of fuel and fit in the hand nice. A fleabay search for "Honest Lighter Torch Butane" finds them. On the same one now for 3 years of daily use. I'd like to hit the $1/year cost LOL

Cutters, The Xikar M8 cutter has been my go to for years...

icehog3 08-18-2020 09:31 AM

Re: In the market for lighter and cutter
I am like Jack and the others regarding lighters, buy 'em cheap and spend the money on cigars.

I buy these....10 for less than $20. Even if there's a couple duds, 10 will last me 2 years plus.

IrishBoi 08-18-2020 11:58 AM

Re: In the market for lighter and cutter
Well I did buy the prometheus set. One because I like expensive things. Second Im def a sucker for SN items. Third this will just be a house set. Im leaning towards a Xikar cutter for daily use and either whatever i get for free (box purchase, coupon code...) or just some sort of lighter for daily use

icehog3 08-18-2020 01:16 PM

Re: In the market for lighter and cutter
And our advice falls on deaf ears... :lr

JK, Eric, hope that lighter has a long and fruitful life. :tu

Buckeye Jack 08-18-2020 02:07 PM

Re: In the market for lighter and cutter

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2203984)
And our advice falls on deaf ears... :lr

JK, Eric, hope that lighter has a long and fruitful life. :tu

You can lead a horse to water, but can't make em drink Tom!


Make sure you give a review of the set Eric!

IrishBoi 08-18-2020 02:50 PM

Re: In the market for lighter and cutter
I'm sorry did someone say something? Sorry jack I'm not hungry

In all fairness...I purchased the set before there was a response. Due to the limited number left, I picked one up before i knew. I didn't want them to be gone and regret it. After hearing from y'all i now realize I made a mistake lol. So with lightning speed I had to justify my actions to a disapproving crowd lol. I promise I will do better

Buckeye Jack 08-18-2020 09:13 PM

Re: In the market for lighter and cutter
Just kidding brother. No offense was intended. We were just letting you know some of the trials and tribulations we have gone thru in the collective decades we have been on the ever so slippery slope. Always hard to gauge across the internet.

Was actually looking forward to a review of the set. Take care!

icehog3 08-19-2020 10:02 AM

Re: In the market for lighter and cutter
What Jack said!! :tpd:

Wait, Jack's not stupid! ;s

Well, I've said too much. -(P

The Poet 08-19-2020 10:29 AM

Re: In the market for lighter and cutter

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2204039)
What Jack said!! :tpd:

Wait, Jack's not stupid! ;s

Well, I've said too much. -(P

:tpd: :D

IrishBoi 08-19-2020 08:31 PM

Re: In the market for lighter and cutter
No offense taken at all. What y'all said was very true I just got impatient is all. That tends to happen when the wife says i can spend money. I better spend it before she changes her mind

Snook 08-20-2020 08:38 AM

Re: In the market for lighter and cutter
Looks like the decision has been made, but I still have to +1 Ronson Jetlite...and my favorite backyard BBQ tool:

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