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sevans105 04-29-2020 12:58 PM last post was 2016.
So, I'm sure my story isn't unique, but it's mine. I was fairly active here for quite some time, then met a woman who HATED I sold everything....Cuz love, right?

Now, years later, dipping a toe back in the cigar world. Stopped by a tobacconist and bought two Perdomos and a Drew Estate. Of course, I have no decent lighter or cutter, but's a start.

Anywho...I'm happy to be back. I missed me. I missed you guys.

Chainsaw13 04-29-2020 01:05 PM

Re: last post was 2016.
Welcome back Scott.

stearns 04-29-2020 01:07 PM

Re: last post was 2016.
Welcome back home :salute:

sevans105 04-29-2020 01:09 PM

Re: last post was 2016.
Thanks, Bob. I appreciate it.

kydsid 04-29-2020 01:13 PM

Re: last post was 2016.
Sooo what happened to the girl? :D You can't leave us hanging like that :r

sevans105 04-29-2020 01:23 PM

Re: last post was 2016.
Oh, she's still very much in the picture. I just did some serious self reflection and realized that I really missed this aspect of myself. I missed the forced holding still for the 45 minutes or more that a cigar takes. And I wanted it back. Negotiations ensued. Luckily I own a couple of which is now cigar friendly.

AdamJoshua 04-29-2020 01:42 PM

Re: last post was 2016.
Welcome back and it's nice you can sneak away and have cigars and Ice Breaker mints!

G G 04-29-2020 01:43 PM

Re: last post was 2016.
Welcome back.

EricF 04-29-2020 02:35 PM

Re: last post was 2016.
Welcome back Scott!!!

The Poet 04-29-2020 03:38 PM

Re: last post was 2016.
A woman is just a woman, but a good cigar is a smoke. :D

Hey, if it's good enough for Kipling, it's great, Scott.

jerseystepup 04-29-2020 04:07 PM

Re: last post was 2016.
Hey Scott! I’m recently back myself (like 2 days recent after almost a 10 year hiatus.). Such a great group of people here and a wealth of knowledge.... we were destined to come back eventually!

icehog3 04-29-2020 04:17 PM

Re: last post was 2016.
Great to "See" you back, Scott! Glad you now have the lady AND the cigars! :tu

RevSmoke 04-29-2020 04:20 PM

Re: last post was 2016.
Welcome back, Scott. Do any fishing? If so, that's a great spot to smoke.

Snook 04-29-2020 04:59 PM

Re: last post was 2016.
So the honeymoon is over huh? haha welcome, Scott.

The camaro show 04-29-2020 10:58 PM

Re: last post was 2016.
Welcome back

Remo 04-30-2020 08:05 AM

Re: last post was 2016.
Welcome back Scott! I’ve been MIA for awhile myself :(

Conch Republican 04-30-2020 08:10 AM

Re: last post was 2016.
Welcome back!

Remo - your retirement is getting in the way of hanging with us :r

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