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icehog3 04-03-2020 08:24 AM

Happy Birthday Kristin! Tonight you shall have your cake and eat it too! Enjoy your day lots, and your night even more! :banger :noon :hb

longknocker 04-03-2020 08:29 AM

Re: HBQTee
Happy Birthday, Kristin!:D:banger:tu

AdamJoshua 04-03-2020 08:40 AM

Re: HBQTee

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2196587)
Happy Birthday Kristin! Tonight you shall have your cake and eat it too! Enjoy your day lots, and your night even more! :banger :noon :hb


Happy Birthday to Tom's GF! Hope you have a great day Tom's GF! :D

The Poet 04-03-2020 08:41 AM

Re: HBQTee
:hb :llp

And Cutie, be sure to stay at least 6 feet away from Tom for the next month or three.

massphatness 04-03-2020 09:21 AM

Re: HBQTee
Many Happy Returns, Kristin!

Blowing out that big fat candle is not advised as you can potentially transmit pathogens through your spittle. Instead, I've seen video where a quick swipe of the hand across the top of the candle basically beats it into submission. Key is to strike fast and hard. I mean really bludgeon the thing. Not a playful slap -- more of a quick, angry, violent motion. That should do the trick.

Steve 04-03-2020 09:48 AM

Re: HBQTee
Happy Birthday Kristin!

CigarNut 04-03-2020 10:00 AM

Re: HBQTee
Happy Birthday, Kristin!

Chainsaw13 04-03-2020 10:10 AM

Re: HBQTee
:hb QT!

stearns 04-03-2020 10:23 AM

Re: HBQTee

EricF 04-03-2020 10:32 AM

Re: HBQTee
Happy Birthday Kristin!!! :hb

icehog3 04-03-2020 10:32 AM

Re: HBQTee

Originally Posted by massphatness (Post 2196593)
Many Happy Returns, Kristin!

Blowing out that big fat candle is not advised as you can potentially transmit pathogens through your spittle. Instead, I've seen video where a quick swipe of the hand across the top of the candle basically beats it into submission. Key is to strike fast and hard. I mean really bludgeon the thing. Not a playful slap -- more of a quick, angry, violent motion. That should do the trick.

Christ, I hope "candle" isn't a euphemism, Vin. :hn :lr

markem 04-03-2020 10:46 AM

Re: HBQTee
Happy birthday, Kristin!

MedicCook 04-03-2020 10:57 AM

Re: HBQTee
Happy Birthday Kristin.

Havanaaddict 04-03-2020 11:32 AM

Re: HBQTee

Originally Posted by massphatness (Post 2196593)
Many Happy Returns, Kristin!

Blowing out that big fat candle is not advised as you can potentially transmit pathogens through your spittle. Instead, I've seen video where a quick swipe of the hand across the top of the candle basically beats it into submission. Key is to strike fast and hard. I mean really bludgeon the thing. Not a playful slap -- more of a quick, angry, violent motion. That should do the trick.

Are we still talking about a candle:lv

Happy Birthday Kristin! Now go into Toms humidor and find the best cigar he has and enjoy:noon

IBQTEE1 04-03-2020 12:07 PM

Re: HBQTee

Originally Posted by AdamJoshua (Post 2196590)

Happy Birthday to Tom's GF! Hope you have a great day Tom's GF! :D

I am his Old Lady!!

Originally Posted by massphatness (Post 2196593)
Many Happy Returns, Kristin!

Blowing out that big fat candle is not advised as you can potentially transmit pathogens through your spittle. Instead, I've seen video where a quick swipe of the hand across the top of the candle basically beats it into submission. Key is to strike fast and hard. I mean really bludgeon the thing. Not a playful slap -- more of a quick, angry, violent motion. That should do the trick.

Vinny, I love you!! You are awesome.


Originally Posted by Havanaaddict (Post 2196614)
Are we still talking about a candle:lv

Happy Birthday Kristin! Now go into Toms humidor and find the best cigar he has and enjoy:noon

I think I may have to do that. I should open one of his special boxes.

Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes.

BigAsh 04-03-2020 01:00 PM

Re: HBQTee

Originally Posted by IBQTEE1 (Post 2196619)
I am his Old Lady!!

I think I may have to do that. I should open one of his special boxes.

Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes.

Hmmmm...isn't that ....ahhhh, never mind! :D....Happy birthday Kristin!.....Have a magical birthday!!

Brian D. 04-03-2020 01:32 PM

Re: HBQTee
Happy birthday Kristin!

Steve 04-03-2020 01:33 PM

Re: HBQTee

Originally Posted by stearns (Post 2196602)


Barrythevic 04-03-2020 02:28 PM

Re: HBQTee
Happy Birthday Kristin!

elderboy02 04-03-2020 02:50 PM

Re: HBQTee
Happy birthday!

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